A shepherd’s love

One of the most beloved and well-known passages in all of the Bible is found in the book of Psalms. In Psalm 23, the pastoral images of green pastures and still waters bring peace and contentment to the psalmist, David, and to every believer who reads the comforting words.

The Lord as our Good Shepherd is a timeless metaphor that speaks of his people as sheep who often go astray but can still hear the shepherd’s voice and know it well. The shepherd’s love for his sheep goes beyond the realm of understanding that one could be so indebted to such a lowly animal.

In the famous psalm, David establishes the providence of our Lord’s divine care, guidance, refreshment and security both now and through eternity. To rest in green pastures…led by the still waters as the Lord restores our souls is our joy and such a far cry from the stagnant pools and boisterous crashing waves of life.

Even through our most trying of hours, he’s there through the shadow of death and every storm of life, knowing our frames are weak. He directs us with his rod of discipline and staff of support as we lean on him in everything. To comprehend that his love will carry us into eternity is utterly unfathomable, and we need to share this precious news with the world.


How wise is your wisdom?

There’s a lot of talk in the world but not enough wisdom. Plenty of humanistic philosophy, folklore, skewed rhetoric, and plain lies. If what you’re hearing it isn’t Godly, it’s false, a fake, a knock-off… because man-made philosophies are only man’s wisdom. Man is corruptible. Therefore, take it for what it is.

Sometimes, wisdom masquerades as truth, but inside there is a core of falsehood. A little stone or pebble coated in milk chocolate is not a peanut M&M; it could break your teeth. We need to be cognizant of the “wolf in sheep’s clothing” because the devil always seeks to deceive us. Though, if we are one step ahead of him by being steeped in the knowledge of God, it’s easier to spot the deception.

If one were to compare a one-dollar bill to a counterfeit bill, it might be difficult to discern the difference. However, if one has studied the true dollar bill in all of its context and nuance, it would be quite easy to spot the fake knock-off because you’d recognize the real thing, having been so intimately acquainted with it. So, it is with the Lord.

Free will shapes our lives in the choices we make. We grow toward maturity when our choices intersect with God, for in him is true wisdom.


Focus on the light

While David struggled during his life in the Old Testament, what stands out is his faith. Despite the trouble he encountered, David knew God would be there to keep him from swerving too far off course, and the Lord’s guidance would be the lamp unto his feet.

In Psalm 27:11, David prayerfully sought the Lord as he dealt with his enemies whose goal was to do him harm.

Teach me your way, LORD; lead me in a straight path because of my oppressors.

The only thing that can protect us from evil darkness on our road through life is to keep our focus on the light. When we make the wrong turn or become mesmerized by the dazzle of worldly lights, which beckon or entice, that’s not necessarily the right kind of light to follow! It’s more likely a warning of snares ahead. Be discerning.

We may never have such a trial as someone like David, who feared being murdered. Our struggles are often more subtle than someone lurking around the corner with a spear. Although, in the scheme of things, Satan lurks like a lion and wishes to consume us just the same. Keeping our eyes, ears, and whole body prepared for the insidious nature of the evil one, we are more likely to err on the side of caution than fall headlong into the trap.


Be still before God

Our earthly foes come in all forms, all guided by the prince of the power of the air. They seek to destroy, but they have no power in our lives to fulfill their objectives when God is at the helm and steering the ship.

To be silent before God and to wait on Him… to hear his still small voice is to empty ourselves of worldly noise and distraction. To allow our Creator to take prominence in our hearts and minds, as we struggle to silence the worldly chatter, is a sure balm for whatever ails us.

In a world where many man-made remedies are so easy to obtain, the first thing to reach for is prayer and the healing arms of Jesus—our prescription for life. In the midst of a sin-filled world where evil doesn’t seem to quit, there’s no better joy than knowing the Lord is on the throne, and he will lend the wisdom, aid, and guidance.

Holding onto the rock of our salvation is the only fortress against the battles. When we cling to our Lord and Savior, there is nothing else to fear for we are in capable hands. What can mere man do to remove us from the safety of Jesus?  When the uphill roads of life are under foot and when we feel we’re losing our traction, keeping our faith strong in the Lord through meditation and prayer is our only defense. Our hope remains steadfast as we dwell in Him and his Word.

 But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint” ~ Isaiah 40:31


A marvelous grace


The grace of God is so unfathomable, it may take an eternity to comprehend it. With our finite minds, there is so much about our gracious Lord that escapes us—even as God’s elect.

Christ also suffered once for sins, the righteous for the unrighteous, to bring you to God ~ 1 Peter 3:18

Sadly, the unfathomable opportunity to have our sins separated “as far as the east is from the west” and no longer held over our heads in judgement, will not be the legacy of some. That they choose not to receive the free gift of salvation, offered through none other than God’s grace, is also unfathomable. But even Jesus himself does not force himself upon an unwilling, closed heart.

At best, the Lord gently calls us and woos us unto himself. He knows who are his and his patience with us knows no bounds. But it will not endure forever. There will be a Judgement Day.

 Now, what I am commanding you today is not too difficult for you or beyond your reach… love the Lord your God…walk in obedience to Him…choose life ~ Moses, Deut. 30:11

Our finite minds cannot begin to comprehend the depth of God’s grace to mankind. However, Jesus’s finished work on Calvary says it all.