Truth, justice, and Jesus

In a world slowly devolving into more social unrest, where the secular powers-that-be continue to strive against everything godly, and while evil prevails around every corner—calamities, war, death, destruction, mayhem—it’s hard to find anything good in the news. But take heart. When the world looks bleak, keep in mind there’s a news story that rarely makes the front pages. It’s not the political Great Reset; it’s the news of Jesus, our Lord, who is coming back to earth one day to establish the Greatest Reset.

In the meantime, God’s word encourages us to keep our eyes focused on Jesus and to be prepared for his return like in the parable of the ten virgins. Half of them carried enough oil to keep their lamps aflame while waiting for their bridegroom. Sadly, the others did not, and their lamps burned out, preventing them from entering into the marriage feast. Why weren’t they prepared? They all knew he was coming, yet only a few of them were ready.

Turn your eyes upon Jesus and keep yourself focused there. Don’t be swayed by every wind of doctrine nor worry about what mere man can do here on earth. Be like the virgins who kept their lamps glowing—ready and waiting for their bridegroom.

When you focus on the beauty of Jesus—his truth, compassion, love, and—everything else will pale by comparison. When hope wanes under the cares of this world, remember that as believers, we are the bride of Christ. Know that Jesus is there to love us far better than the world ever can.

Goodness overload

 We are all blessed by what our Creator lends us for life on this planet every day. He brings the sunlight, provides our food for harvesting, and His word tells us that the rain, too, falls on the just as well as the unjust.

Take a look at the natural beauty of the sky, a flower, or a butterfly, and marvel at the handiwork of our Lord. If he can be concerned for such things, how much more for you?

The magnificent works of the Lord are above and beyond amazing. Can mere words do them justice?  How can we measure the goodness of the Lord? Is there a measuring rod or scale big enough? With the rich abundance of all he supplies, it would take an eternity to count the blessings God bestows.

Every time the earth rotates around the sun, there is a new dawn and new opportunities to praise and worship Him, our maker.

We’re not here to serve ourselves, and our plans and purposes should reflect what God would have us do. Mostly, it is to serve and love one another, share the gospel, and shine His light. For as God has given us life more abundantly, we need to share the good news with others.

The goodness of God is infinitely more wonderful than we will ever be able to comprehend ~ A.W. Tozer

Just as I am

There’s no pretense with God. No matter how much we want to dress up and present ourselves seamless and flawless to become acceptable, God sees the true nature of our character. No amount of starched collars or finery will cover our sins. Only the blood of Jesus.

When Christ came to earth, he was the division between the pompously proud and the humbly repentant. His purpose was to welcome into his family those who loved and sought the truth of God with a humble, open heart. No finery required.

The Lord resists the proud but gives grace to the humble ~ James 4:6

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness,
for they will be filled
~ Matthew 5:6

Consider what the Lord has accomplished to welcome you into the family of God and know that as a son or daughter of God, truly you are loved and accepted through the redeeming work of Jesus on the cross. Nothing more, nothing less.

We don’t need to dress up for the Lord. Out of respect, we want to present ourselves clean when we come to church as members of a civil society. But remember, if you don’t have anything but the clothes on your back, the welcome mat to the Lord’s house is still free for you to set your foot upon. The Lord does not turn away anyone who comes knocking. By his blood, we are all cleansed of our filth in the precious blood of Jesus.

 O, taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the man who trusts in Him ~ Psalm 34:8

Be still

With all that goes on in our lives, making the time just to be still is important. The Lord speaks to us so softly sometimes, it’s not always easy to hear his voice in a world filled with distractions and noise. Take a moment and step away from it all and listen for him.


Be still and know that I am God ~ Psalm 46


One can sense God’s presence in the midst of his awesome handiwork:  the silence of a forest…the rolling of the ocean waves… the serenity of a mountaintop.  Even quiet time alone at home can yield his awesome presence when we seek him and listen with our hearts.  When we draw near to him, he draws near to us (James 4:8).


To be still before the Lord is not always a physical position or something to do in the midst of a silent moment. To be still also means to let your ways yield unto his…to mentally put everything else aside and let the Holy Spirit lead.


As we are only strong in the Lord’s strength, taking the time to consider his ways above and beyond our own can only lead to opening ourselves up to the direction of the Holy Spirit. This is the only direction we’ll ever need in life.


For God alone, O my soul, wait in silence, for my hope is from him ~ Psalm 62:5

Are we there yet?

The roads of life aren’t always smooth, and the rough spots can lead us astray as we navigate our way. In a world where life is so much of a battlefield between good and evil, it’s comforting to know we have an advocate who is on our side. He’s no ordinary comrade or friend who has your back. No, he’s more than that. He is the Alpha and the Omega, the Rock of Ages, the Name Above All Names. God is our fortress.

Though the paths are not always free of trouble and debris, God’s word tells us that for those who love Him, everything along our route will work together for good. He has a plan and purpose for everything. Not everything is good, but…

“All things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to his purpose” ~ Romans 8:28

 Our wonderful, Almighty God and Creator of the universe wants to have a personal relationship with each of us as we travel the terrains of life. He wants to be our shield and deliverer, and what better way to go than to yield our lives to Him—our creator—to find the ultimate direction. Like a father, he will withhold no good thing from his children. And even above and beyond the most sophisticated GPS system, God knows the better way to go.

Though we may encounter tribulation and trials, the wise man sees beyond the storms of life, knowing that God is in the midst of every suffering and is not immune to the cares and worries of those who belong to him. His strength will shield and sustain us—always.