Mary Cantell

In everything, give thanks…


Today, there was no choice but to quote one of my favorite Bible verses to myself as my husband and I sat in a deluge of traffic–the likes of which we’d never encountered before while doing Saturday morning errands around town. This was no ordinary traffic.

Saturday morning chores had never been this complicated. After an hour or two, the work is done and we’re back home by lunch time.  Turns out, a Harry Potter festival had brought the streets around Chestnut Hill to a standstill. As our frustration mounted, I remembered that in everything, we are to give thanks.

In an effort to make it back home, we were forced to route ourselves away from the blocked off streets and throngs of people, farther and farther away from where we needed to be and drove through what seemed like miles of neighborhood enclaves  we’d otherwise never had known existed.  It was lovely scenery; however, like a bad dream, the frustration of not being able to get home (actually, we were lost) ultimately led us to prayer.

Miles later, we finally found a main artery that led back home. I had to smile to myself. What had we lost in our delay to make it home? Nothing, really. We were not tired, lonely, thirsty or even hungry, even though lunch time had come and gone.

So once again, I say thank you, Lord, for the experience. We’re not sure where our paths take us in life, but we are sure that you are right with us every step of the way.



What’s to come of America?

As we attempt to be the salt and light that we’re called to be as  Christians in America, it’s become more challenging. Not that spreading the gospel is difficult. But in the face of an avalanche of naysayers and opposition, it may sometimes feels as though our seed sowing is falling on deaf ears and poor soil.

With the election of our next Commander-in-Chief upon us, it’s so incumbent to voice our opinion in light of God’s word. I must say, though, that before becoming politically-minded, living as an a-political Christian was much easier during times like the present.

Avoiding politics all together once was easy, although I’d been introduced to it early through my excellent Jr. high school history teacher, Mr. Ruda. Yet soon I’d come to believe that all politicians seemed in business to lie. That was my take, and I’d maintained that mindset for the next two decades.

My awakening came in the following century while literally running to the polls to vote for George W. Bush, an avowed Christian. I’ve been running to the polls ever since.

As the sovereigns in a sovereign nation such as America, it’s our duty to God and my country to vote. It’s how we hold the leader’s feet to the fire. “We the People” are the ones in charge of the country, and we elect the leaders.  It’s the way our system was designed.

This election, they say, marks the turning point for America. With the country’s liberties falling away like scattered leaves, I will be quick to cast my vote for the leadership that will keep America independent, strong and free. While my true citizenship is in Heaven, I want America to remain prosperous for future generations should the Lord choose to tarry and until He returns.


Cast your cares upon Him…

danielWe’ve all been there. Praying for someone who’s befallen with illness. Now it’s our family’s turn as our hearts are heavy with the news of our beloved 83-year-old pastor who had a recent massive heart attack. As he underwent a triple by-pass this past Sunday, the elders gathered together to lead us in our church service. Hours later, we were informed that he made it through the surgery; however, there were some critical extenuating circumstances. We continued to pray–with tears.

Monday evening, his eldest son told us that his father’s heart had stopped that morning and he was placed on Life Support. He thought his father may already be with the Lord. 

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Salt and Light in the Election…

Americans do not need a big government to depend on; they need liberty, freedom, education, and the means to cultivate a vital family unit and keep it intact, which is the single most important building block to a healthy functioning society.

I’m saddened by those who don’t understand that when man removes God and inserts himself as the standard by which all things are measured, such as with socialism, communism, or globalism, society weakens in the balance. That they don’t see the dehumanizing thwart of the human spirit in such environs, alongside the self-centered sin of mankind that deifies man and ignores God, is blind and short-sighted.

The fallacy with liberal progressive politics is that man is able to perfect himself. It’s not only presumptuous, it’s scary. Armed with this attitude, it would appear the goal of a progressive movement is to take control—as the leaders see fit. The desire of power to lead the masses into a social utopia is a dangerous pursuit. Hasn’t this been done before…and to such disastrous results?

Man cannot and never will be able to improve upon himself or change his own heart—that is, not without a spiritual overhaul. Our nature will always remain as savage as our ancestors; it’s just masked by innovations, better haircuts, and flashier clothes.

So what does this have to do with the upcoming election?

So fortunate we are to live in a nation where “We the People” are the sovereign and have the opportunity to partake in our God-ordained government. How fortunate we are to be able to contribute to society in this way. By casting our votes, we’ll be exercising our right as well as our free will. By holding our leaders responsible, by keeping their feet to the fire, we can demonstrate our desire to be a Godly nation by being the salt and light that God calls us to be.

The question to ask ourselves before we pull the lever is: Just how much do we value our liberty?


Where your heart is…

As Christians, our citizenship is in Heaven. However, while on earth, we are citizens and part of the sovereignty of the USA where we have a right to choose our leaders through our vote. While some may never be impressed with any candidate at any time, I’m convinced that it’s our sovereign duty to vote. When all else fails in a candidate, I look at their stance on the sanctity of life.


Looking back…


On this day in history in 1982, we learned of the tragic car accident that culminated in the death of beloved actress and Philadelphian Grace Kelly. In death there is a shocking reminder of just how fragile life really is. I went to school with her namesake niece, Grace Le Vine, who also died in the prime of her life to cancer. As life is so precious, I count each day as a gift to do with it what God would have me do. With each passing year, I’m convicted of having wasted so much time on frivolous things and empty pursuits and have vowed to make the most of the time left because as the Bible says:  The days are fleeting…


Remembrance of 9/11


Tomorrow is the 15th anniversary of the 9/11 tragedy that befell our nation. Some say we shouldn’t call it an anniversary, because that connotes something positive. So let’s just call it the annual remembrance of that tragic Tuesday morning when the clear blue sky above the Hudson River began to cloud with smoke as the Twin Towers, one by one, smouldered and crumbled to the ground. The day that changed the course of history for our nation will never be forgotten.