
Got hope?

Do you swim in a sea of doubt and fear and get so far off shore that you lose sight of your peace or hope? Satan loves to pull us into the deep and leave us there any chance he gets. Most of the world is floating aimlessly out in turbulent waters seeking comfort and searching for a life preserver somewhere in the waves.

The world offers relief from the burdens that can weigh us down, but it’s only a temporary fix. Just a crutch. For the children of God, our Lord supplies us with real hope and peace—not as the world gives—and it totally surpasses our understanding of how it works, but it does,

When struggles seem bound to steal our hope, now is the time to rejoice in the Lord and count it all joy (James 1:2) because the Lord has overcome the world, and as a believer, you have the Lord. Your trials are the chisel which conforms you to be more like Jesus…to make you more like him. Let him do a good work in you by faithfully keeping your mind on Jesus, and He will do the increase while he keeps your hope alive—in Him!

“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit” ~ Romans 15:13

The world is a battlefield for mind control. We will always be in a battle until we’re far away from this earth, though there is assurance that in Him, our battles are already fought and won. Our deliverer is Christ.

His light

God is all about the light. He doesn’t just display light, he is light. He is “The Light of the World” and the “Bright Morning Star.” There are plenty of knock-offs, but Jesus is the only real deal. He is the true light.

As believers, it’s our joy to bring the story of Jesus to others who may not know the Lord and who, as a result, walk in darkness. Though to people accustomed to living without the light, they have adjusted to it, and even a small ray of sunshine could, indeed, be harsh at first.

It’s uncomfortable to have a light shined directly into the eye, especially to creatures of the night. Though it should not deter us from sharing the love of Christ with them. The story of Jesus never gets old. For if we do not share our faith with others, we’re only making their path to hell a bit easier. If their route led them to a sheer cliff, wouldn’t it benefit them to know? If there’s danger ahead, it’s out of love that we tell people there is a better road to follow.

Then Jesus again spoke to them, saying, “I am The Light of the world; he who follows Me will not walk in the darkness, but will have the Light of life” ~ John 8:12

So, share the light of Jesus  with others however the Holy Spirit leads. As an ambassador for Christ, you may be the only source of truth they’ll hear today.

What time is it?

Some would define God as a great clockmaker, who wound the world up and then walked away to let the world-clock run on its own. But God is anything but negligent of his creation. Though God lives in eternity and dwells outside of time, he still plays an active role in it.

God’s gift of time is precious. As stewards of our time, it’s our decision in how we use it. With our pre-determined number of days, what are we to do with them?

With the 86,400 seconds in each day, the way we prioritize those moments is important to getting the best out of life. We can be distracted with the unimportant, or we can live each day as though it were our last. Oftentimes, for some, we are consumed with the unimportant. We can choose to honor him through what we spend our time on or dishonor him. It’s our choice.

For the saved, we’ve come to know that seeking his face in all we do is better than doing things on our own. Let it be our resolution to seek His kingdom rather than possessions and Godliness rather than selfishness. Though it is so easy to fall short, we should aim for the highest.

Always remember, our days are numbered by God for a purpose. Today could be our last. Make the best use of what he has given and know that each day is in his hands.

Like the eagle

With places to go and things to do, busy people often find themselves on autopilot. Meanwhile…stuck in traffic or running late with a thousand chores on the list, it would be great to hitch a ride on the wings of an eagle and move ahead swiftly.

When facing an impasse in life, soring ahead of our problems would make life so much simpler. Whether it’s a mere road delay or a problem so insurmountable that we want to escape it altogether, flying high away from the situation on this awesome creature would be our first option.

Interestingly, when a storm is brewing, an eagle can sense the incoming danger. Rather than becoming spooked, the eagle patiently waits for the wind to come and then uses it to fly high and above the storm. When we’re born again into a new life with Christ and the Holy Spirit now dwells within us, we are new creatures. Metaphorically, as the eagle sheds its feathers as it ages, we, too, shed our old feathers and now bear new ones in Christ. If only we could rise above the storms of life as seamlessly as the eagle…but we can! Not in escapism but rather in our faith walk with Jesus.

As we wait upon the Lord, it’s a precarious balance of trust and expectation. Though by his word, we are assured that like the stately eagle, our strength will be renewed. We can, indeed, overcome our problems as we are “more than conquerors through Him who loved us” ~ Romans 8:37.

An everlasting light

Did you ever consider that without God in the world, there would be no light? The world would be void. As God provides the light, it’s a different story—both physically and even more so, spiritually.

With God’s light, our paths remain clear to travel. While in the light and as we draw nearer to Him, we can clearly see the obstacles in our way. When we walk in darkness, do we not stumble?

Even as we are sanctified, every day trials can get us off track, despite the Holy Spirit dwelling inside us. Our minds often race to quell the storms, and our immediate reactions to life’s situations can be fleshly and prideful.

We may not see eye-to-eye on issues or life’s problems with each other, but a civil, peaceful plan of disagreement is far more profitable than a civil war. We may not always agree, but disagreeing peacefully goes a long way…as “the battle belongs to the Lord.”

“Man’s anger cannot accomplish the righteousness of God” ~ James 1:20.

 In an effort to deal with what comes our way, the only thing that will steer us in the right direction and bring us peace is leaning on the everlasting arms. So, as the new year is upon us, let’s take our first steps of the year being fully clothed in the light of Christ.

Our time is in His hands

On the cusp of the New Year, people make vows to change themselves. It’s the proverbial New Year’s resolution. Anything can be on the to-do list, including losing weight, quitting smoking, and cutting out carbs. Yet how many times have these pledges melted by the first snowfall?

It is an admirable goal to achieve these sweeping changes, yet by true grit and own strength, it’s often not enough. Sinners, as we all are, need not turn over a new leaf—but a new heart. We can’t use the stuff of flesh to make better flesh; we need the Holy Spirit to accomplish the work. It’s not about you or I becoming a better person. It’s about becoming more like the savior of the world. We can do “all things through Christ” who strengthens us by His spirit.

May this New Year be your opportunity to yield to God not just some but all of your heart’s goals, hopes, and dreams, so he may mold you into the image of his son.

“Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart” ~ Psalm 37:4

 That is…because they will be His desires, too, which are ultimately what is best for you.

A Child is Born

The moment in time when Jesus arrived in Bethlehem as a baby, he was at the very beginning of a great mission. That he would leave heaven for earth boggles the mind, and to come in the humblest means possible to begin his life in a feeding trough in a lowly stable is unfathomable.

The baby Jesus grew to become prophet, priest, and King of Kings. His thirty-three years on earth created a mark in history that would be forever a turning point. For everything vile, despised, and eschewed by man, Jesus, our Emmanuel—God-with-us—gave his life. He became the sacrifice to bring all who believe in him into an everlasting fellowship with the Father. A gift to all men…and one that doesn’t stop giving.

We celebrate the savior’s birth this season and in our hearts all the year through. Like the angels sang in their celebration on that fateful, joyous day, we, too, rejoice. “Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace, goodwill toward men.”

A great light dawned

Though we’re all familiar with the Christmas story, it still remains difficult to fully comprehend. An infinite God who came to earth for our sakes, yet was born of a virgin and lived a human though Godly life? It defies all logic.

Jesus was tempted, hungry, and scripture says that he identified with man’s sufferings. But that he humbled himself to endure such a lowly existence for the years he walked the earth is such a study in contrasts for the human mind to fathom. For how can the limited mind of man claim with any authority the process of an infinite God?

With our finite minds, it’s hard to conceptualize the awesomeness of the nature of Jesus. That he always was and always will be the great God of all creation is too magnificent to fathom. It’s not so much a matter to consume and comprehend through logic but more of a respectful apprehending through our faith.

We celebrate the Lord’s birth this season as well as every day in our hearts because it’s the least we can do for the Lord who made us, loved us, and died for us.

His humble estate

          Out of the lowly feeding trough in a Bethlehem stable, came to live the most lauded name in history. The moment when baby Jesus arrived, the people rejoiced on that holy night, and an incomparable joy filled the people.

For unto you is born this day in the City of David a savior, which is Christ the Lord ~ Luke 2:10

That Jesus would condescend to earth to dwell with mortal men is beyond comprehension. Yet, he became our Immanuel (God with Us) and began a 33-year mission on earth to show humanity the purpose for life.

This tiny baby grew to become a prophet, priest, and the King of Kings. His presence on earth created a mark in history that would forever be a turning point. Jesus became the division between the pride of the proudful and the humility of the repentant. His life’s example paved the way for believers to emulate by and through his spirit into the way of truth and life.

On that quiet night, the angels sang in heaven and the world would be forever changed:  Christ is the Lord/Oh praise his name forever/His power and glory evermore proclaim!

The path for your feet

So far, in America our path to worship is still protected. We may have our struggles and trials, but often our issues pale in comparison to what our brethren around the globe are facing.

To be one with God and walk the straight and narrow path is the opposite of what the world endorses. Live your best life today for tomorrow you may die is their mantra. As believers, we attempt to walk a path that is pleasing to the Lord.

As we walk, we’ll find the lust of the flesh, lust of the eye, and the pride of life do not stop once we are saved. In fact, these temptations often appear stronger when we’re walking with the Lord.  There are so many choices to take and distractions that that beckon:  Come this way. But do we know what awaits at the end of the road? If not, why go there?

Walking with the Lord is not a set of arbitrary rules and regulations to keep us boxed in; rather, it is relationship tethered by a mutual love and bond fostered through the power of the Holy Spirit—our helper. It’s a commitment to God, and out of our love for him, we walk according to his precepts.

If you’re ever in doubt as to which way to go, remember, the road map is as close as your faith walk with God.

My feet have closely followed his steps; I have kept to his way without turning aside – Job 23:11