His humble estate

          Out of the lowly feeding trough in a Bethlehem stable, came to live the most lauded name in history. The moment when baby Jesus arrived, the people rejoiced on that holy night, and an incomparable joy filled the people.

For unto you is born this day in the City of David a savior, which is Christ the Lord ~ Luke 2:10

That Jesus would condescend to earth to dwell with mortal men is beyond comprehension. Yet, he became our Immanuel (God with Us) and began a 33-year mission on earth to show humanity the purpose for life.

This tiny baby grew to become a prophet, priest, and the King of Kings. His presence on earth created a mark in history that would forever be a turning point. Jesus became the division between the pride of the proudful and the humility of the repentant. His life’s example paved the way for believers to emulate by and through his spirit into the way of truth and life.

On that quiet night, the angels sang in heaven and the world would be forever changed:  Christ is the Lord/Oh praise his name forever/His power and glory evermore proclaim!