
Needles, vaccines, and masks…oh, my!

If it’s heard in the mainstream media–either TV or radio—it has to be true, right?

Enter COVID. The drum beat of COVID has been one such provocative story. It’s deadly. It’s contagious. Get it and you’ll die. The fright of this invisible virus has been dangled over our heads, and the fear mongering just won’t let up. Sadly, it’s permeated our heads to the point where we’ve become fearful of one another as though we were all biohazards. But when a virus is used politically by the wrong people, then it becomes more than a contagion. It becomes a weapon. Never let a good crisis go to waste.

In making relevant news during the months of economic lockdown, mainstream media have barely mentioned the recovery rates for this contagion—the 99 percent or so. They fail to give mention to how we can help ourselves through self-administered protocols of fortifying our immune systems. No one in the MSM have talked about anything other than lockdowns, masks, vaccines, restrictions, and the death toll numbers. Why?

These rising death toll numbers have been finagled every which way from false positives to PCR testing irregularities, including touting COVID as the number one killer over and above heart disease and cancer. How is it that these deaths are attributed to COVID when this virus hasn’t even been able to be isolated in a lab according to doctors?

Even the WHO has finally admitted that PCR testing for COVID is inadequate, and they are recommending new protocols. In January, Merck Pharmaceuticals just scrapped their COVID vaccine trials, saying that it’s better to get the virus and recover. The vaccine shots delivered an inferior immune system response in comparison with a natural infection.

With every doctor who promotes the benefits of a questionable vaccine, there are countless other doctors who do not.

Dr. Ted Noel is among the latest to use common sense and reason to argue that masks don’t work to stop aerosol virus transmission. The first randomized controlled trial of the efficacy of surgical face masks against SARS-CoV-2 infection found masks did not significantly reduce the incidence of infection. The particle size is too small and passes through the mask easily. While some now advocate the wearing of two masks, he says that there’s one little problem with that: One risks the mistake of not being able to breathe.

Among states without a mask mandate, 5,781,716 cases were counted over 5,772 days. This works out to:

No mask mandates: 17 cases per 100,000 people per day
Mask mandates: 27 cases per 100,000 people per day

In short, COVID-19 cases were higher with mask mandates than without. As noted by Daniel Horowitz, a senior editor of The Blaze:

“We can turn the numbers upside down and inside out, but no matter how we examine them, there is no evidence of masks correlating with reduced spread. If anything, the opposite is true … It’s self-evident that the virus does what it does naturally and follows a very mechanical pattern regardless of state policies …”

In the debate on governments wanting to keep us safe, I’m not so sure that state governors have flown under the banner of their own state constitutions. In fact, some have overreached to the point of stepping on the citizenry’s freedoms of choice and liberties. The governmental agencies playing the oversight role are often sold out to big lobbyists, who have a bigger stake than citizen’s health. The global reset is on the rise, and they are part of it. Masks, vaccines, lockdowns are more about control than our health, and money is at the root.

If people believe Moderna, Pfizer, Bill Gates or Tony Fauci are acting on our behalf and with our health interests of paramount concern, they need only look at history…look at what has happened in Nazi Germany and present-day China to get a clue what is on the horizon for America. The powers that be say they’re following the “science”; but they are not. The head of the WHO isn’t even a medical doctor. What they are doing is strangling our civil liberties and rights of conscience.

The fact that states without mask mandates have better results than “mandated” states is quite telling. This breathing in of our own CO2 is not healthy in the least, even causing bacterial infections in those who wear masks for long periods. Put a muzzle on a car’s exhaust pipe and see how long the car runs.

As a kid, we were taught not to believe everything we saw or heard but that lesson was long fought as it was much easier to believe the crazy rumor or the unfounded tale without question or discernment. Same with news headlines today. When President Trump took office in 2017, the headline could have easily read: White family kicks black family out of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue home…and people came to believe it. It’s easy to believe what we want to believe.

Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus, ~ Philippians 4:6


A new song to sing

Who can measure the greatness of an unfathomable God? One who is Lord of all creation…and a three-person deity? Is there anything greater? That as a baby, Christ came into the world, born of a woman, while still the exact replication of our spiritual God, the father, leaves one flummoxed. This God-person stepped from eternity into time and space for the purpose of redeeming man from the wickedness of our own disobedience. It defies logic. How do we worship such a glorious thing? What song can do our reverence justice?

When Jesus walked the earth, he came as a peaceful. loving servant. He healed the sick and caused the blind to see. The miracles he performed didn’t go unheralded, but the essence of who he was became an anathema to man, and so he was hung to die. Yet the greatness of Christ did not let death claim him. He had the victory because he was God.

The magnificence of such a being is so humbling. We sing spiritual songs as How Great Thou Art and He Lives with tears because the magnificence of his presence in our lives is so uplifting, it shatters our emotions. That we could be so loved by him is more than great.

We sing our praises to him on earth and look forward to continuing our song in heaven! As the song goes, When we all get to heaven, what a day of rejoicing that will be. When we all see Jesus, we’ll sing and shout the victory!

Out with the old…

With the cultural and political unrest of this past year, we can all breath a collective sigh that 2020 is officially over. The infamous year will go down as a particularly trying one for many. Though there is always an upside to trials, particularly for God’s children.

For believers, the book of James points us to the mindset we should have during trials and tribulations, and that we are to “count it all joy” when we encounter them, for the “trying of our faith works patience.” But we need to allow patience to work in us or we’ll never master it.

As some lament the world is falling apart; for the children of God, we know with the Lord on the throne, things are not falling apart but instead are falling together. Although we cannot see all of our Lord’s plans and purposes in the blueprint of life, we do know he is at the helm in the midst of the battle. Resting through trusting in his promises is our only refuge.

Trials and tribulations are relative. Some by the fire, and some by the flood… What the Lord allows us to endure as Christians is all for our holiness and to mold us into becoming more refined in Christ. We may scoff and shrink back, but he promises to never leave our side, and his grace is always there to carry us through no matter the storm.

Now that 2021 is here, we’re closer to Jesus’s promise of returning to earth. In the meantime, we trust his word, which says, “…God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose” ~ Romans 8:28

May we have a blessed New Year in the Lord!


Wonderful, counselor, Prince of Peace

This season we celebrate something so miraculous, it never gets old. No, it’s not the fat man in the red suit squeezing himself down the chimney!

Though, we’re all familiar with the Christmas story, it still remains difficult to logically comprehend. An infinite God who came to earth for our sakes, yet was born of a virgin and lived a human though Godly life? It defies all logic.

This tiny baby grew to become a prophet, priest, and the King of Kings. His presence on earth created a mark in history that would forever be a turning point. Jesus became the division between the pride of the proudful and the humility of the repentant. His life’s example paved the way for believers to emulate by and through his spirit into the way of truth and life.

On that quiet night, the angels sang in heaven and the world would be forever changed.

Christ is the Lord/Oh praise his name forever/His power and glory evermore proclaim!

Jesus was tempted, hungry, and scripture says that he identified with man’s sufferings. But that he humbled himself to endure such a lowly existence for the years he walked the earth is such a study in contrasts.

With our finite minds, it’s hard to conceptualize the awesomeness of the nature of Jesus. That he always was and always will be the great God of all Creation who loves us is too magnificent to fathom. It’s not so much a matter to consume and comprehend through logic but more of a respectful apprehending through our faith.

We celebrate the Lord’s birth this season as well as every day in our hearts because He first loved us. There are so many names for him because his being is so infinite, no one name can describe, define, nor contain Him.

Still, we wonder if Mary knew she bore the Lord of all creation, heaven’s perfect lamb, and who would one day heal the nations?

May the spirit of the season give you much peace and draw you closer to the Lord as you celebrate Him.

A cancelled Christmas

The problem with Christmas is not that the word Christmas, isn’t in the Bible as some purists point out. Nor that it’s celebrated at the wrong time of year as other purists argue. It’s not even so much the fact that the name of Jesus is getting dusty and he’s more to be found in the wings, while crass commercialism and partying have taken center stage. Still, there’s another issue.

Whether St. Nick may once have been a true-to-life generous soul or just a fictitious legend, I’ve come to live with the fact that the world wishes to celebrate the fat man in a red suit. Yes, it bothers me that this bearded idol has become more important that the Messiah, and it bothers me that presents have become the mainstay, and that trees are the focal point.

Six to seven-foot trees today cost upwards of sixty-nine dollars. You have to drag the tree into the car and then the house. The pine needles go everywhere. You have to find a space for it or clear out a space, and then worry your pets might pull it down. You need to water it or it becomes a fire hazard. After Christmas, you drag it back outside to the curb, and it sits there so forlornly, that you are now sad. There are pine needles in the house for weeks afterward. Still, there’s a worse problem.

In this 2020 season of Christmas, the Covid-19 virus has been a mixed blessing. While it’s been a rough time for those who’ve succumbed to its insidious nature, there is a bright side. Now, we don’t have to worry about Santa taking center stage this year because we have a social distance policy. Sitting on Santa’s lap would not fall under that directive. It could be dangerous to the children.

Also, there’s no need to worry about drinking and driving because the restaurants will be closed. And for those who chafe at having to schlep to stores, take heart! Not all of them are open. Your local mom and pop stores have probably gone under with the lockdown crisis. So, take your pick among the big box stores for all of your needs. Nothing like a practical gift from Home Depot.

Regardless, the Christmas story offers a positive narrative to the wearying mantra of mainstream media regarding the Covid-19 which, sadly, is frightening the masses into going into hibernation and turning humanity into singular biohazards one to another. We are in a world where those in charge are going to great lengths to mandate conformity. Masks, isolation, curfews, limits. Cancel culture is the new moniker. It’s easier to control a compliant, willing populace than those who squirm. What better way to do that is to isolate us from each other for months on end and force us to wear masks—even between bites of food, yes!

The spirit of the Antichrist has been here for a long time, even since Biblical days, and has never been more palpable or predictable. Along with the heavy hand of men in high places, whose ambitions and directives fly at their own discretion—even above the banner of law they are sworn to uphold, as they assume to be a law unto themselves with their “All for Thee, but not for Me” examples, our culture is deteriorating before our eyes.

The Prince of Peace whose word provides the ultimate model of love and fellowship will prevail over the godless dictators who exalt themselves. They will be humbled, and the humble will be exalted. No governor, mayor, or any other politician has the right nor the power to literally “cancel” Christmas.

May the joys of Christmas be with you all year long.







Be still before him…

With all of the worldly noise and chatter, it’s refreshing, at times, to be able to turn it all off. In the silence of our quiet times, with a Bible in our hands, is where the Word of God can renew and restore us. Our souls need spiritual nourishment as much as our bodies, and to allow our Creator’s word to take prominence in our hearts and minds as we struggle to silence all that would distract us, is a sure balm for whatever ails.

To be still before the Lord can take place at home, in the car, or while taking a hike in the rolling hills of Valley Forge. The silence of a forest…the rush of sea waves…the serenity of a swan on a lake—it all speaks of the Lord because he created it all! Yet being still is more than a place or position.

   For God alone, O my soul, wait in silence, for my hope is from him ~ Psalms 62:5

To be still is before the Lord is to be surrendered to him. To be still is to be yielded and open to the Holy Spirit’s direction. To be still is to seek his wisdom above our own.

Our hope remains steadfast as we rest in the Lord. May we continue to hold fast to being still before him always.

But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run and not be weary; and they shall walk and not faint~ Isaiah 40:31.

In God we trust or bust

We’ve been told from a young age not to trust strangers and to be discerning in dealing with people we don’t know. Unless you know someone, you cannot be certain of the person’s intentions. Appearances can be deceiving.

As with God, how can we walk in the paths he’s created and trust him if we don’t fully know him? How does one have faith in something we can’t even see? Where does the faith and trust come in?

The word tells us that our faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God. As we read and meditate on his word, the more we get to know him. The more we read, the closer to God we become and the more our minds are able to dwell on what he’s all about.

By faith Abraham, when he was called to go out into a place which he should after receive for an inheritance, obeyed; and he went out, not knowing whither he went. By faith he sojourned in the land of promise, as in a strange country, dwelling in tabernacles with Isaac and Jacob, the heirs with him of the same promise:  For he looked for a city which hath foundations, whose builder and maker is God ~ Hebrews 1:8-10

 The more we get to know the heart of God, through the Holy Spirit’s revealing God’s truth, the more yielded and trusting we become. Through the reading of his holy word, the more we see the hand of God working. As a result, the less fearful we are of our future and the more surrendered we become in placing our complete trust in him daily for everything.

Hearts, prayers, and thanksgiving

The commands instructed by Apostle Paul regarding a believer’s conduct seem stringent. Pray without ceasing? In everything give thanks? Yes!

It’s an attitude of having our minds attenuated to things above and not necessarily on what we see below. Our circumstances do not dictate our mind; our mind dictates our attitudes.

We are able to rejoice always and remain content in all things by knowing we have God’s grace and His strength to draw upon…a quiet praise that transcends our circumstances.

We can pray without ceasing in that we present our lives and focus in the direction of God, repeatedly and consistently bringing our hearts before him. We’re not asked to don robes or kneel on our knees all day. It’s the position of our heart.

In everything, we give thanks when we fully trust that God is in charge and knows what he’s doing. From our earthly perspective, we may not see the pieces fitting together, but from heaven, the picture is all too clear.

Yes, rejoice, pray, and give thanks—always and in everything. It is our spiritual service toward a gracious and loving God as he molds us daily into the image of his Son.

The harvest is near

While gathered together with family and friends to enjoy food and fellowship this Thanksgiving holiday, let’s also take time to remember the ones who are suffering for their beliefs and pray that God would abundantly bless them with his peace and provision.

In America, our blessings are so abundant that even the poor are considered rich compared with others around the globe. The word tells us in 1 Timothy 6:8 that if we have food and raiment, we should be content.

With thanksgiving in their hearts, the early settlers gave praise and honor to the Lord for many things, most notably, a liberal harvest. William Bradford wrote:

“…And afterwards the Lord sent them such seasonable showers, with interchange of fair, warm weather as, through His blessing, caused a fruitful and liberal harvest, to their no small comfort and rejoicing. For which mercy, in time convenient, they also set apart a day of thanksgiving… By this time harvest was come, and instead of famine, now God gave them plenty … for which they blessed God.” 

When we stop to think about all that we’ve been blessed with as believers, the list should begin and end with Christ. Having Jesus as our Lord and Savior is our fruitful bounty. Everything else is but a garnish. For the Lord is our everything, and all that we have stems from his never-ending supply of love and mercy—his grace!

May your Thanksgiving be a joyous reminder of all that is Jesus!

In every season…

To everything there is a season…winter, spring, summer and fall. Each is part of the pattern of life which God has established on earth.

The book of Ecclesiastes talks about the seasons of life. With everything under the sun, there is a time—a time to reap and a time to sow; a time to mourn and a time to laugh; a time to gather and a time to cast away.

With everything the Lord brings to us, whether to our delight or adversity, it’s for his purposes. Whether it pleases or not, there is really nothing to lose or gain compared to the fulfillment of a God-centered life, as only God brings us true contentment even apart from the situations in which we find ourselves.

Whether in good times or bad, the blessings of his hand in our lives is what sustains us. The surpassing joys or sorrows will fade in time and our spirits are sustained through it all as we remain focused on the power of his presence in our lives.

As with anything earthly, it passes. Though, the riches of the spiritual gifts designed by God for us are meant to be life sustaining and everlasting.

May the joy of the Lord be yours today and forever in every season.