A fount of limitless love

There are no yardsticks in Heaven. Though we cannot fathom the Lord’s mind as He is too far above us to even contemplate, His word tells us the truth: His love knows no bounds.

Unlike worldly love that ebbs and wanes at its own discretion, God’s love is an unlimited source that wells up from His true nature. God is love.

In times of fear or uncertainty, it should be comforting to know that God is right by our side. If we are abiding in Christ, there is nothing to fear because we are held in the palm of God’s hand. We are as close as marrow is to bone.

It’s a marvelous mystery how much God loves us. The unfathomable depth of His love began in the Garden with the first murder of an animal and the skin was used to clothe Adam and Eve. Why did God do that? Even outside the Garden, while his fellowship had been broken, His love remained. It continued so much that He eventually sent his son to redeem mankind from his own sin.

Now, Christ sits at the right hand of God after making the ultimate sacrifice. Those who’ve put their trust in Him should no longer have any fears, worries, or doubts about the Lord’s love for us or His plans and provisions for our lives. Whether there’s famine, peril, nakedness, or sword, there’s nothing—at all—imaginable that can come between the Lord and His redeemed.

“…nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord” –  Romans 8:39






21st century world

While we are all looking for the next big solution and want a mere man to solve all of the world’s problems, it can’t be done by man alone. This is a broken world. What we should focus on is on the one who CAN fix this. And that is Messiah Jesus who came to restore man to the Father God. Our hope should lie above, not in this world but in the One who created us in His image.

We can bark and scream at the situations that befall a sinful world (as well as towards each other) and, frankly, our word fights aren’t going to solve anything but divide us all further. We become shrill activists claiming to be above the fray when we, too, are imperfect and don’t do anything but point fingers and lay blame.

Putting our trust in man or leaders–these are all fallen people.
Donald Trump is a flawed man just like the rest of us. With all of his warts and shortcomings, he took on this job, neglecting to take a salary, and is doing his best with the advisers he has in his council. Please give him a chance. When he fails, ask God to give him wisdom. Our hope should be in the Lord. Perhaps then, we all wouldn’t be so unsettled about things.


Love in a broken world

The marvelous mystery of God’s love for his creatures is beyond amazing. Even out of the Garden of Eden, when his covenant with Adam and Eve became broken, his love followed them–and to us today.

Our Lord, the infinite God and creator of the universe, is desirous to have a relationship with each of us and sent His beloved son to pave the way for that union.

Some would say that Jesus only died for a designated few and not for all. On the other hand, the Bible clearly speaks to the outward grief of Jesus as well as the Apostle Paul toward the lost and unbelieving. Through God’s grace, salvation has appeared “to all men” (Titus 2:11). Jesus is the Lamb of God who “takes away the sin of the world” (John 1:29; 1 John 2:2). Truly, God is not willing for “any to perish” (2 Peter 3:9).

God’s love extends to the entire world and He wants all to be saved, but He will force no one to yield to His plan. He knows not everyone will believe nor seek to accept his Son and the riches of His glory, but the invitation is open for all to receive.

Our great father in heaven is all about giving. He gave His only begotten Son, who, in turn, gave His life, in order that we may have abundant life—in Him.

In our finite minds, we attempt to comprehend the depth of an infinite God whose ways are not our ways. To fathom the depth of His love will likely take an eternity. And for all who have come to a saving knowledge of Jesus, we will have that opportunity.

Culture Wars

The world has been from the beginning of time a place where self seeks predominance. Love of self began in the Garden with the serpent tempting Eve to become a self-seeker and deny God’s commandment. So the battle continues today to gain its ground.

Cultural clashing of one group over another is more than ideologies butting up against each other. It’s not just about civil unrest vs. civility, racial fairness vs. inequality. It’s about man’s idea that he wants to take the reins of power upon himself and live, rule, and dictate toward these same ends. This is not love.

In the midst of cultural warfare, there is but one weapon that needs to be used. It’s God’s truth shared in love. God has given us the capacity to love through the power of his Holy Spirit. If man were to take his cues from the Almighty maker of heaven and earth through his Word, these wars would cease.

”For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities… against powers… rulers of the darkness of this world.” Ephesians 6:12 (KJV).

We need to arm ourselves with the strongest weapon we own—the power of God’s Word.

The fallen ones…

This Memorial Day, we honor the thousands of veterans who’ve sacrificed so much for our country. We thank them for their heroic efforts to ensure the safe keeping of our land and its liberty. We salute every one of you for your great strides to keep our nation whole.

America, the land of the free, is a concept our founding fathers brought forth on this continent that all men should be free from tyranny. They acknowledged our Creator as God—the one who created us all equally—and thus paving the way for America to become a nation of liberty and freedom.

There’s also one other who made the ultimate sacrifice so we can be free. Our savior, Jesus Christ. The price he paid was the willing sacrifice of his own life in the most excruciating manner there could ever be. Not just the cruelty of the Roman cross but the beating, scourging, and mocking, along with the weight of our sin. Because we as a people sinned from the beginning, Jesus came to take our place in death and to bear all of our sin, so we can be free from its bondage. Truly, we are only completely free in Jesus.

Consider the sacrifice of our Lord Jesus and those of our Vets this Memorial Day and pray that God will allow our nation to continue in the manner the founding fathers designed.

Thank you, Lord, that we have liberty to worship you in this great land because of the sacrificial efforts of so many, the greatest being your son. May God continue to bless the USA, the greatest nation on God’s earth.