Sometimes, we find ourselves at life’s crossroads where, like Apostle Paul, we are to just shake the dust from our feet and move on from a person, place, or situation that has become toxic to our souls. Whether the dust is legalism, slander, gossip, unfairness, or even someone’s own dysfunction….whatever the dust may be, don’t let it linger on you. Don’t get caught up in your feelings about it for we cannot be in God’s will and wallow in our feelings at the same time.
God has a plan for you, and it doesn’t stop when you encounter an obstacle. Our beloved Lord opens and closes doors for a reason. Nothing is lost on him. Often the Lord works in ways we cannot see or acknowledge. It’s all good. Though there may be grief over it, don’t lose heart. There are doors waiting to open for you…new opportunities to share God’s love…other saints waiting to encounter your love and light that comes through Him.
Perhaps you’ve outgrown the arena you find yourself, or maybe it’s time for a promotion. Your plight feels wrong, but God makes all things work for the good for those who are called according to his purposes. God is not through with you yet, and your purpose on earth and your calling aren’t subject to someone else’s opinion or approval. Some are so busy pointing fingers that they don’t have time to examine themselves. So caught up in being right that they become blind to their own failings and shortcomings. How easy it is to find fault with another when there is no humility. “First examine the LOG in your own eye before you find fault with the TWIG in a brother’s…”
Oh, the high-minded among us are unknowingly on their own shaky pedestals of falling like the Pharisees in Jesus’ day. So filled with a sense of their own purity, they couldn’t see beyond their noses. Though we must pray the Lord deals with them gently in the face of their folly when they get too full of their own self-importance.
Remember, the battle belongs to the Lord. Let him do the hard work. Justice always prevails in God’s kingdom, and may the redemptive spirit rise high above the fray as on the wings of an eagle.
May the graciousness of our Holy God grant you much peace in the face of every trial and temptation, knowing it is written in scripture that we are to count it all joy!
James 1:2-4 says, “Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance. And let endurance have its perfect result, so that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.”

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