
For unto you is born a savior

The moment in time when baby Jesus arrived in Bethlehem, he was on a mission. That he would leave heaven for earth boggles the mind. To come though the humblest means possible to begin his life in a feeding trough in a lowly stable is unfathomable.

Out of his humble estate, the baby grew to become prophet, priest, and King of Kings. His thirty-three years on earth created a mark in history that would be forever a turning point. For everything vile, despised, and eschewed by man, Jesus, our Emmanuel—God-with-us—gave his life. He became the sacrifice to bring all who believe in him into an everlasting fellowship with the Father. A gift to all men…and one that keeps on giving.

We celebrate the savior’s birth this season and in our hearts all the year through. Like the angels sang in their celebration on that fateful, joyous day, we, too, rejoice. “Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace, goodwill toward men.”

Who’s your best friend forever?

A “best friend forever” is great. Their support in our lives is lovely and much appreciated. Sometimes, though, our friends desert us and fall away.

As believers, there is nothing more valuable than our faith…the faith to believe there is a God and that he loves us. He created our bodies, has a plan to fulfill a glorious future for us, and then he died for all, so that we could inherit an eternal glory on the coattails of his blood sacrifice.

What’s comforting to know is that Jesus is both our savior and our eternal best friend, and he will never depart from our lives. Even if we forsake him, he’s always true to remain faithful to us.

How many names does Jesus have? Prince of Peace, Bright Morning Star, the Alpha and the Omega…the list goes on. But with all of the titles Jesus owns, we can also add friend.

We may ask what has the Lord done for me, lately? As it stands, what he accomplished on the cross while doing his father’s will is all we need. The rest of his bounty is just gravy.

“My grace is sufficient” ~ 2 Corinthians 12:9

His grace of an eternal pardon and payment for our sin, which lends to the gift of our salvation, is the most valuable treasure we’ll ever receive, courtesy of our only true BFF, Jesus!

The Bounty Is Christ

In America, our blessings are so abundant that even the poor are considered rich compared with many other nations around the globe.

While gathered together with family and friends to enjoy food and fellowship this Thanksgiving holiday, let’s also take time to remember the ones who are suffering for their beliefs and pray God would abundantly bless them with his peace and provision.

With thanksgiving in their hearts, the early settlers gave praise and honor to the Lord for many things, most notably, a liberal harvest. William Bradford wrote:

“…And afterwards the Lord sent them such seasonable showers, with interchange of fair, warm weather as, through His blessing, caused a fruitful and liberal harvest, to their no small comfort and rejoicing. For which mercy, in time convenient, they also set apart a day of thanksgiving… By this time harvest was come, and instead of famine, now God gave them plenty … for which they blessed God.” 

When we stop to think about all that we’ve been blessed with as believers, having Jesus as our Lord and Savior is at the top of our list as he is our fruitful bounty. Everything else is but a garnish. The word tells us in 1 Timothy 6:8 that if we have food and raiment, we should be content.

May your Thanksgiving be a joyous reminder of all that is Jesus!

A time for everything

The book of Ecclesiastes speaks about the seasons of life. With everything under the sun, there is a time—a time to reap and a time to sow; a time to mourn and a time to laugh; a time to gather and a time to cast away.

With everything the Lord brings to us as believers, whether to our delight or adversity, it’s for his purposes. Whether it pleases or not, there is really nothing to lose or gain compared to the fulfillment of a God-centered life as only God brings us true contentment even apart from our circumstances.

Whether in good times or bad, the blessing of his hand in our lives is what sustains us. The surpassing joys or sorrows will fade in time, and our spirits are sustained through it all as we remain focused on the power of his presence in our lives.

As with anything earthly, it passes. Though the riches of the spiritual gifts designed by God for us are meant to be life sustaining and everlasting.

To everything there is a season…winter, spring, summer and fall. Each is part of the pattern of life which God has established on earth.

Freedom in Jesus

This Veteran’s Day, we salute the courageous men and women who fought to preserve our nation and its sovereignty. America is fortunate to have a unique position in the world through the sacrifice of so many patriots who’ve bled and died defending America’s liberty. One nation, under God, indivisible. The land of the free and home of the brave is the only one of its kind and was established first and foremost on the principle that only God holds the reins of power. This nation was established to be under God always.

There’s another who gave up his life sacrificially and shed his blood for our liberty. Jesus committed the highest act of sacrificial love for not just America but for the world. He came to earth from his heavenly home to bridge the gap between his father and sinful man. His battlefield was the cross, and he died there to pay the high cost of our sins in order that we may have freedom and liberty in Him forever.

Thank you, Vets, for your strength and bravery. Thank you, Lord, for your selflessness in battling the war we could never fight alone. To God be the glory.

By His side

We all want God to be on our side. The question to ask ourselves is:  Are we on God’s side?

In times of fear or uncertainty, it should be comforting to know that God has always remained close to his people. Though the Israelites did not always follow the Lord every step of the way, while they traveled through the desert for 40 years, he remained faithful to them. He kept them sheltered and fed through his mighty hand. He has always kept his eye on them and has wooed them like the great Father he is.

Though the social fabric of society may be coming apart at the seams, do not be alarmed. When we are abiding in Christ, there is nothing to fear because we are held in the palm of his hand. We are as close as marrow is to bone. He remains with us always. He is faithful to fulfill his promises to us. May we always remain faithful to him.

God is our refuge and strength,
a very present help in trouble.
 Therefore we will not fear though the earth should change,
though the mountains shake in the heart of the sea;
 though its waters roar and foam,
though the mountains tremble with its tumult
~ Psalm 46:1-3

Be acceptable to God

Inside the depths of our souls lies stuff only God can restore—the hidden parts of our heart that need spiritual cleansing and renewal. We can put on appearances, but the Lord knows our heart.

In the Old Testament, David had a problem with lust. Rather than admit his sin publicly, he kept it hidden until the web he’d woven to conceal his weakness strangled him. He paid a big price for his sins. But all was not lost for David.

Before I was afflicted, I went astray, but now I obey your word ~ Psalm 119:67

In dealing with his sin problem, David was convicted and wanted the Lord to make him clean. He knew how much the Lord loved him, even while a sinner, and trusted that God would restore their fellowship that sin had tarnished.

David, the man after God’s own heart, has become one of many examples of restored fellowship with God. May we, like David, share this mindset continually as we contemplate our own ways before the Lord.

Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my thoughts. See if there is any wicked way in me and lead me in the way of everlasting ~ Psalm 139: 33-34

What time is it?

The Lord gives us time while on the earth. It’s a precious gift. As stewards, it’s our choice how we use it. With the 86,400 seconds in each day, the way we prioritize those moments is important to getting the best out of life that is offered. We can be distracted with the unimportant, or we can live each day as though it were our last.

God has given each of us a pre-determined number of days. What are we to do with them?

“Teach us to number our days that we may gain a heart of wisdom” ~ Psalm 90:12

Our time is a God-given gift, and with it we can choose to honor him through what we spend our time on or dishonor him. It’s our choice. For the saved, we’ve come to know that seeking his face in all we do is better than doing things on our own. Let it be our resolution to seek His kingdom rather than possessions and Godliness rather than selfishness.

Some would define God as a great clockmaker, who set the world up and then walked away to let the clock run on its own time. But God is anything but negligent of His creation. No, he’s playing an active role in the world even though he lives outside of time.

Always remember our days are numbered by God for a purpose. Make the best use of the time he has given. It’s a gift, and each day on earth—our time—is in his loving hands.

Let the light shine…

What is the purpose of light? Do we light a candle and then place it in a closet or hide it under the bed? No, we put it on a candlestick, so the light may shine.

The Bible tells us “to let our light shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.” This isn’t to brag about ourselves; it’s to brag on God and how magnificent he is. Without his spirit working inside of believers, all of our works are wood, hay and stubble.

In him was life, and the life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it ~ John 1:4-5

 The world is a dark place. So, many are wandering around like a ship without an anchor. Like the apostles and disciples in Jesus’ day, our job on earth is not so much to live for ourselves but to live as examples to others of who Christ is as we represent the church.

Singing to the Lord, praying, praising, thanking, teaching, preaching, and witnessing for Christ in our walks are just a few of the ways to worship and magnify the Lord. There are so many ways to reflect his love. Lifting up his name is the least we can do for the loving savior whose light lives within us.


Remain in the vine

On the night Jesus was betrayed, he spoke to his disciples concerning what would become of him in the days to follow his death on a cruel Roman cross. In the book of John, our Savior prepared his people to face the reality of his being put to death—the crucifixion—and assure them that he would be resurrected and, later, ascend back to his Father in heaven. Jesus also gave them instructions on what he expected from them going forward and that there would be work to do until his imminent return to earth one day.

The intention of Jesus was to bring joy and to encourage the hearts of his disciples. He knew they’d be despairing soon and wanted to reassure them that if they kept abiding in him, they would be fruitful in the work set before them.

These things I have spoken to you so that My joy may be in you, and that your joy may be made full ~ John 15:11

It is the same for us in 2021. In this world of turmoil and despair, things seem to get worse. However, we know that by God’s grace, we can make it through another day because he goes before us. He prepares the way. In Christ, we can do more than we think. Though the cares of this world weigh us down, the spirit inside us can rise above our troubles as we put our hope, faith, and trust in him.

Because He lives, I can face tomorrow,
Because He lives, all fear is gone;
Because I know He holds the future,
And life is worth the living,
Just because He lives! ~ Bill Gaither