
His light in the New Year

The world is a dark place. Without God, there would be no light. When we walk in darkness, how can we not stumble? With God to provide the light to see, our paths remain clear to travel as we draw nearer to Him.

Even as we are sanctified, every day trials can get us off track, despite the Holy Spirit living inside. Our minds often race to quell the storms, and our tongue’s reactions to life’s situations can be fleshly and prideful.

In an effort to deal with what comes before us, the only thing that will steer us in the right direction and bring us peace is leaning on the everlasting arms. When confronted with tough times, God’s word tells us to be slow to speak and slow to anger because “man’s anger cannot accomplish the righteousness of God” ~ James 1:20.

When we put on Christ, we are renewed by and through the Holy Spirit. We have freedom now to be different from the world. Confronted with trouble? Pause. Take a deep breath and yield to the spirit inside with prayer…it goes a long way.

As the new year is upon us, let’s take our first steps of the year being fully clothed in Christ.

Happy New Year!


The Word was made flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory~ John 1:14

The advent season has begun. They joy of everything Christmas-y has begun in the streets and the shopping malls. Though for the believer, Christ’s birthday celebration is alive in our hearts every day—not just in December.

In thinking about our Lord, we understand his ways are certainly not our ways, and the more we dwell in his word and contemplate his birth, the more we can appreciate the sacrifice of the suffering servant, who came to fulfill his father’s wishes—to save the lost and dying.

How unfathomable to comprehend the path of Jesus to reconcile us to the Father. What a marvelous mystery that he would condescend to earth but to come here in the form of a man and live among us? Is not his glory too superior? He left paradise for this?

At some point this winter season when our little town of Phoenixville is glistening in a blanket of whiteness, may we understand that because of Jesus’s blood, a believer’s sins are even whiter than the brilliance of the snowfall.

May every step you take be with Jesus…adopting his examples of love to the brethren, especially, and aslo to the world as you travel the rest of your life.

Turn your eyes upon Jesus

The world has been— from the beginning of time—a place where man seeks his own predominance. Love of one’s self began in the Garden when the serpent tempted Eve to become a self-seeker and deny God’s commandment. The battle continues today to gain ground when we take our eyes off of our Master.

Cultural clashing of one group over another is more than ideologies butting up against each other. It’s not just about civil unrest vs. civility, racial fairness vs. inequality. It’s more about man’s idea of wanting to take the reins of power upon himself to live, rule, and dictate toward these same ends. It’s all about domination and dictating as man sees fit and not seeking God in the process. This isn’t only a worldly issue; it can happen, sadly, even within the walls of a church congregation.

In the midst of cultural warfare, there is but one weapon that needs to be used. It’s God’s truth shared in love. If man were to take his cues from the Almighty maker of heaven and earth and keep his eyes focused on Him, there would be no necessity for war, rioting, societal upheaval, nor division in the church. What’s not done in the spirit of love is all but dross.

It’s all about grace

Of all the people in the New Testament, one interesting figure is Apostle Paul. A former persecutor of the church and Pharisee, his experiences forthtold in the New Testament show a man who could have easily exalted himself above his peers, for he’d been granted the privilege to be caught up into the “third heaven” where he saw some utterly amazing things. However, later, he was also granted a thorn in the flesh.

Much speculation has lent to theories on exactly what the apostle’s thorn was. His eyesight perhaps? It’s not for certain, but Paul beseeched the Lord three times to have it removed from him. However, Paul didn’t receive the answer exactly as he requested. Why?

 “And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness… “~ 2 Corinthians 9

Later in this same chapter, Paul makes it clear that he understands why the Lord withheld the removal of the thorn.  It was so that Paul would not exalt himself more than he should and to safeguard his humility.

God reminded Paul that the power behind Paul’s ministry was not in Paul’s experiences or abilities or even in the absence of troubles. Rather, it was God’s grace. When we are weak, God’s power is even more evident. He provides the strength for us to withstand whatever challenges come upon us. It’s a faith walk.

Crossroads of life…

Sometimes, we find ourselves at life’s crossroads where, like Apostle Paul, we are to just shake the dust from our feet and move on from a person, place, or situation that has become toxic to our souls.  Whether the dust is legalism, slander, gossip, unfairness, or even someone’s own dysfunction….whatever the dust may be,  don’t let it linger on you. Don’t get caught up in your feelings about it for we cannot be in God’s will and wallow in our feelings at the same time.

God has a plan for you, and it doesn’t stop when you encounter an obstacle.  Our beloved Lord opens and closes doors for a reason. Nothing is lost on him. Often the Lord works in ways we cannot see or acknowledge. It’s all good. Though there may be grief over it, don’t lose heart. There are doors waiting to open for you…new opportunities to share God’s love…other saints waiting to encounter  your love and light that comes through Him.

Perhaps you’ve outgrown the arena you find yourself, or maybe it’s time for a promotion. Your plight feels wrong, but God makes all things work for the good for those who are called according to his purposes.  God is not through with you yet, and your purpose on earth and your calling aren’t subject to someone else’s opinion or approval. Some are so busy pointing fingers that they don’t have time to examine themselves. So caught up in being right that they become blind to their own failings and shortcomings. How easy it is to find fault with another when there is no humility. “First examine the LOG in your own eye before you find fault with the TWIG in a brother’s…”

Oh, the high-minded among us are unknowingly on their own shaky pedestals of falling like the Pharisees in Jesus’ day. So filled with a sense of their own purity, they couldn’t see beyond their noses. Though we must pray the Lord deals with them gently in the face of their folly when they get too full of their own self-importance.

Remember, the battle belongs to the Lord. Let him do the hard work. Justice always prevails in God’s kingdom, and may the redemptive spirit rise high above the fray as on the wings of an eagle.

May the graciousness of our Holy God grant you much peace in the face of every trial and temptation, knowing it is written in scripture that we are to count it all joy!

James 1:2-4 says, “Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various  trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance.  And let endurance have its perfect result, so that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.”

Do you need refreshment?

Water is a vital commodity we know and essential for life. Go more than three days without water and it’s dangerous. Water not only quenches our thirst but is also a metaphor in the Bible for life. When we are parched—not only of physical thirst but the spiritual thirst of our souls as well—a never ending spring of life flows abundantly from our Lord and can satisfy like no other.

Living water is something Jesus promised to the woman at the well when he spoke:  Those who drink of the water I will give them will never be thirsty. The water that I give will become in them a spring of water gushing up to eternal life (John 4:14).

The water of salvation that flows from the very presence of God is available in endless supply for humanity’s deepest needs.

When the poor and needy seek water,
and there is none,
and their tongue is parched with thirst,
the Lord will answer them,
I, the God of Israel, will not forsake them.
I will open rivers on the bare heights,
and fountains in the midst of valleys;
I will make the wilderness a pool of water,
And the dry land springs of water… ~ Isaiah 41:17-18

Are you thirsty today? Even the most securely saved, blood-bought of Christians have need to be refreshed by the water. What God did for Israel, he can do for you. The Lord cares for you, and the water of salvation is yours for the asking when you have the faith to believe.


Thanks be to God always…

When things go well for us, it’s so easy to give thanks and praise. Though when we might be chastened, or if God allows something to occur that is not of our choice, the thanking and praising may grow quiet.

God is aware of all we’re enduring. Out of love for us, he works in ways that often are beyond our comprehension. We can thank and praise him for being in control of the storms that enter our lives and for sustaining us while in their midst—no matter the outcome. Just remember that there is always a purpose in what God does. In the case of the believer, it’s all to conform each of us more into the image of Christ. It’s for our holiness.

Science bears out that giving thanks and having gratitude lends positively to our lives. As Christians, we already know this. Giving thanks is rewarding not only to the recipient but also to the giver. If there is anything that deserves our utmost thanks, appreciation, gratitude and, ultimately, our praise, it’s our blessed Lord.

Thanks and praise be to God always…



Holy and righteous is His name

Try as we may, we can never become holy or righteous enough to please the God of this universe on our own. The first step is to receive Christ in spirit and in truth and then “put on” Christ as we believe and trust in his power. Therein lies our righteousness! No more no less.

No matter how holy we may appear on the outside, our own righteousness will never be enough as the word says in the O.T. that all of our righteousness is akin to filthy rags. Sadly, our goodness will never suffice in pleasing Him or pave a path for us into heaven because it’s not really about us or our works.

So many feel that they must earn their way into heaven or do some kind of work or penance to appease our holy God. Really? Is that what God’s word is saying?

According to Hebrews 11:6, it is impossible to please God without a genuine conviction that he exists. And as far as getting into heaven…Ephesians 2 tells us that it is “by his grace that we have been saved through faith…” and by which we trust Him for our salvation.

God is too great to impress with our own self-righteousness. The only way to please God is to humble ourselves by having faith in his Son, the Lord Jesus, who graciously gave up his life in order we may live.  No one can save themselves, which is good to know because Jesus did it all through his free gift of salvation by His grace alone.

The bride of Christ

God, by his grace, has proven over and over how much his people—the church—mean to him. Our Lord rejoices over us. Knowing this, we should rejoice always while serving him in our lives.

In the story of Hosea and his wife, Gomer, God delivered a powerful message to the people regarding their unfaithful behavior.  As Hosea’s wife was unfaithful to her husband, returning to a life of prostitution, God felt betrayed by Israel’s infidelity as well. However, it wasn’t the end of the story. It didn’t end in divorce.

With every covenant God has made with man from Abraham through David and on down through the ages, God has remained faithful to Israel, an unfaithful people. Though man let go of his end of the relationship and left God through sin, he has always remained faithful to us.

Though man broke the relationship through sin, God found a way to restore the intimacy. That is where Jesus enters the picture. The penalty for our sins ends at the foot of the cross. The Bride of Christ is now clothed in pure whiteness without spot or blemish thanks to Jesus. We look forward to the marriage supper that, one day, will occur. Until then, like the parable of the ten virgins, be ready to meet the bridegroom as we are his bride!

The Lord’s loving kindnesses indeed never cease, for His compassions never fail. They are new every morning. Great is Your faithfulness” ~ Lamentations 3:22-23


How great is our God?

We are so blessed by what our Creator lends us for life on this planet every day. There really aren’t words enough to describe or measure the goodness of the Lord. He brings the sunlight, provides food for harvesting, and His word tells us that the rain, too, falls on the just as well as the unjust. His abundant blessings are new every morning. But it doesn’t end there.

Noting the rich abundance of all he supplies, it would take an eternity to count all of the blessings God bestows; most, of which, we can’t even see! The magnificent works of the Lord are above and beyond amazing.

Take in the natural beauty of the sky, the mountains, trees, flowers or an eagle and marvel at the handiwork of our Lord. If he can be concerned for such things as the tiny ant, how much more for you?

Therefore, you are great, O Lord God. For there is none like you, and there is no God besides you, according to all that we have heard with our ears ~ 2 Samuel 7:22.

As God has given us life more abundantly, we need to make it a priority to share the good news with others.

The goodness of God is infinitely more wonderful than we will ever be able to comprehend ~

A.W. Tozer