A glorious future

One can only imagine the hardship of existence under the dominating command and control of foreign empires. That’s what the Jews were forced to endure before they were carried away from their homeland. Can you envision uprooting your lifestyle at the whim and fancy of dominating brutes and then be forced to move away from your home?

Jeremiah spoke to the Jews in the midst of their suffering and told them they would live in a place called Babylon for at least 70 years. He told them to settle down, build houses, marry, and even pray for the peace and prosperity of the city in which they now found themselves (Jeremiah 29:4-10).

Christ followers presently facing difficult life situations and struggles also can take comfort in the words spoken by this prophet. While God’s response is not always to provide immediate escape or rescue from difficult situations or bend to our inclinations…sometimes, he stirs things up in ways we don’t understand. Though it’s not in vain. He proclaims through Jeremiah that when you “call on me and come and pray to me… I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart” (Jeremiah 19:12-13).

There is comfort in these words that God will not forsake us. God promises that He has a plan to prosper his people no matter the outcome as we foresee it. Walk by faith in His promises.


You’ve got a friend

Friends are great. Without them, where would we be? These people are supportive, loving, and often go out of their way to come to our aid whenever we need them. A true friend sometimes sticks by even closer than a brother, the Bible says in Proverbs 18:24.

While we appreciate our friends, what’s even greater is that Jesus is so much more; he’s both our savior and our friend. He’s been called a prophet, a priest, and a king when he walked the earth. Today, he’s all of that—and more.

Prince of Peace, Bright Morning Star, the Alpha and the Omega…the list of Jesus’ names goes on…but with all of the titles Jesus owns, the fact that he is our friend, too, is stunning.

But what about the here and now? What’s Jesus done for me lately, you may ask?  If you have to consider that question, you may want to look no further than the book of John.

“For God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believes in Him will not perish but has everlasting life” ~ John 3:16

 What Jesus accomplished on the cross in doing his Father’s will is everything we’ll ever need. When we have a personal relationship with the Alpha and the Omega, we have it all!

Got thanks?

 Thanks. Just a word. Though it is short, it’s meaning encompasses so much. When we thank people, we’re expressing not only our appreciation but also our heart’s gratitude. If there’s anything that deserves our utmost thanks, appreciation, gratitude and, ultimately, our praise, it’s our blessed Lord.

When things go well for us, it’s easy to give thanks and praise, but when we are chastened or if God allows something to occur that is not of our choice, the thanking and praising may grow quiet.

“Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you” ~ 1Thessalonians 5:16-18

God is there and aware of all we’re enduring. Out of love for us, he works in ways that often are beyond our comprehension. We can thank and praise him for being in control of the storms that enter our lives and for sustaining us while in their midst—no matter the outcome. Just remember that it’s all to conform us more into the image of Christ. It’s for our holiness.

Science bears out that giving thanks and having gratitude lends positively to our lives. As Christians, we already know this. Giving thanks is rewarding not only to the recipient but also to the giver. Thanks and praise be to God!


Deep water

Are you in deep water? Trials and fears beckoning at the door? The Bible is full of heroic accounts of men who faced more adversity than the average person in the way of personal struggles, and their stories are living examples of how each one endured with the help of God.

Like Job, David, Stephen, Paul, Daniel, Joseph and many other saints from old, they leave us examples of their individual trials that run from devastating hardship to temptation to even unjust persecution. Trapped in dire situations—even unto death—they maintained an abiding faith as they rested in the spiritual arms of God.

The faithful will sometimes be sifted and refined like choice silver and gold. It’s our test. Though like all of those before us, we are given hope that as they survived their trials to tell the tale–only through the power of God—we are able to as well.

He reached down from on high and took hold of me; he drew me out of deep waters – 2 Samuel 22:17

But there’s more… The future is secure and lends much hope for Christ followers. A new kingdom is coming one day. Not like this present earth—no, it will far surpass it. There will no longer be any deep water to drown us. The only water will be the fount of living water that flows through Christ from whom all blessings flow to us both now and throughout eternity.

Be well in Him!

If God is for us, who can possibly be against us?

When the Israelites were taken into Babylonian captivity for 70 years, the words of the prophet Isaiah tell us the Lord God of Israel was right there in their midst. He told them to fear not; he would help and strengthen them and uphold them with his righteous right hand.

In difficult times of trials and troubles, Jesus—and he alone—is the only healing balm we need. He directs the course of great rivers, and by his power, the very atoms in the nails that pierced his flesh while on the cross were held together with his own mighty strength! What is your life’s situation that he cannot handle, guide, or direct you into the place you should go?

Even on your worst day, the calming peace of Jesus can satisfy like no other. He leads us beside the still waters and restores our souls. His peace is like a river, and it flows as a fountain of blessings to his faithful followers, who put their trust fully in Him.

“Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you; yes, I will help you; I will uphold you with My righteous right hand” ~ Isaiah 41:10