A mother’s love

How blessed are those who have been raised and nurtured by a Godly woman—one who takes the responsibility of raising her children under the guidance of her heavenly Father. Next to Jesus, there is no other love quite like a mother’s.

To walk with the Lord and bear much fruit through the power of the Holy Spirit requires one to become less and allow God to become more. This is often what a Godly mother is about; her love often extends beyond her own needs or concerns. Sacrificially, she’ll hold back from herself the last scrap of food, lend her only dollar, drive to the ends of the earth, or stay awake throughout the night, if necessary, to make sure her children are safe. She gives and gives until it’s time to give again.

Mothers are God’s special gift to the world. Whether a surrogate mother, godmother, or grandmother—we celebrate you all today. While here on earth or at home with the Lord, we remember you today and every day with our utmost love and appreciation.

Our Guiding Light

Where does one find help and guidance in times of extreme pain or difficulty? Seeking help for problems can be sought in numerous ways, but nothing can really cure the situation totally if we use only our own strength and muster. In fact, it may compound things.

The psalmist in Psalm 43 speaks of his oppression in the face of distress and questions God on why he seems so distant. Why do you cast me off…you are the God of my strength. So, why am I in mourning?

Sometimes, God can be silent and tested people of faith sometimes ask this same question: Why isn’t God answering in the way I think he should? Our reasoning should be: God, I need to be led by your light and truth…please send it to me and increase my faith. Until you answer, please be my strength.

Our road to the land of spiritual healing comes through submitting to God’s light and truth. It’s the only way to be led through our faith journey… unless we want to do it ourselves and wonder why life goes dark on us. We need God to lead the way to live abundantly.


When you rise in the morning and lie down at night, are you consumed by personal struggles? When trials seem bent on grabbing your soul to suck out your joy, what do you do? The book of James states…

My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience.  But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing ~ James 1: 2-4

When you are lacking nothing, you have everything that you need in the provision of Jesus. Your relationship with him lends to the trials and temptations a chisel by which you are able to become more like him. …to make you stronger and more perfect—in Him.  Let Jesus do a good work in you by faithfully keeping your mind fixed on him.

For the children of God, the ones Christ calls his brethren, our solace is met at the cross. The cross is not a crutch but a symbol of power through Christ.

The world is a battlefield for control of our mind. The combat skirmishes will always be there until we’re promoted to heaven, but there is assurance that in Him, our battles are already won. Our deliverance is met in Jesus. Rejoice, he’s on the throne!

Grace and truth come through Jesus

The path Jesus traveled to the cross at Calvary has become a pivotal point in history where his shed blood and selfless sacrifice allowed the curtain to the Holy of Holies in the temple to be torn in two—top to bottom, yes! The immovable barrier between sinful man and a holy God is now changed forever.

Jesus didn’t say he would show us the way. Rather, he demonstrates that He is the way. He is the only source that can lead fallen mankind to the true God—to his Father in heaven. Jesus did not say he would reveal some truths but that He is truth. He is the personification of it. Jesus is the life in whom we put our faith and hope. Christ’s claim is exclusive. He is the one and only way to truth and life. There is no other path, or philosophy, or religion that can lead a sinner to redemption.

It’s a simple message, yet so profound. Knowing this, we can be overjoyed to share the good news that Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth, and the Life to whomever the Lord places in our path. With so many people lost, it’s our privilege to share the gift we’ve been given with those who don’t have it.

His abundant grace

The magnificent works of the Lord are above and beyond amazing. Can words do them justice?  There really aren’t words enough to describe or measure the goodness of the Lord. Taking the rich abundance of all he supplies, it would take an eternity to count the blessings God bestows. Surely, we’d run out of numbers!

We are so blessed by what our Creator lends us for life on this planet every day. He brings the sunlight, provides our food for harvesting, and His word tells us that the rain, too, falls on the just as well as the unjust.

Take a look at the natural beauty of the sky, a flower, or a butterfly, and marvel at the handiwork of our Lord. If he can be concerned for such things, how much more for you?

As God has given us life more abundantly, we need to make it a priority to share the good news with others who do not know Him. What a privilege!

 The goodness of God is infinitely more wonderful  than we will ever be able to comprehend

~ A.W. Tozer