“Anyone else sense something odd about this Coronavirus? Election years have been associated with viruses in the past like ebola, sars, etc. But virologist findings say this virus isn’t nearly as potent as the others, yet it’s put the global community in a panic. Something is not right about this. Power of the media is amazing. Social experiment in the making?”
I posted the above comment on social media last week, and there’s two schools of thought, as always, as the dialogue began. In fact, prominent names in the media are on opposite sides.
Dr. Anthony Fauci, leading physician of infectious diseases on a Sunday morning news show said we should NOT go out to public places like restaurants. While Congressman Devon Nunes on a Sunday morning news show said we SHOULD go out to public places like restaurants. Not to mention that the CDC, WHO, and the family doctors also cannot agree on a course of action that is in sync.
So what does one make of it? Is it hype or propaganda? A social experiment?
From a casual observation, it seems the rate of transmission of this latest COV-19 in America does not warrant the amount of fear that’s being irrationally spread. To be so concerned about this to the point of shutting down the entire economy is absurd in my opinion. The ramifications will unravel a whole plethora of financial unrest for a massive amount of workers and business owners in the weeks and months to come that will affect everyone. Sadly, many churches have cancelled services as well. We’ve NEVER responded like this before when H1N1 came…or SARS, MERS, Swine flu, etc. People have gotten the COV-19 while innocently inside their beds in a nursing home. Yet, we’re warned to stay inside.
As for me and my family, our faith is the overriding factor in all of this. As we are led by the spirit, so we should walk. I am not swayed by this latest contagion because I believe it’s politically motivated. An article online containing incriminating information just confirmed my suspicions this morning. In all of this, I look to the Lord.
“For we do not have a high priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses but one who has been tempted in all things as we are and yet without sin. Let us draw near with confidence to the throne of grace that we may receive mercy and may find grace to help in time of need” ~ Hebrews 4:14-16

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