Whom do you love?

It’s been said before, “To know him is to love him.”

In a worldly sense, we can’t help being endeared to someone who is loving and not a threat to our well-being. Some folks are easily lovable, and others take time to warm up to. In either case, as children of God, we are to love them all the same. It’s easy to love someone who loves you, but God says to love even the unlovable.

As for our God, it is amazing to know that he loved us well before we loved him. The question we ask is:  How do we love something so ethereal? Something we haven’t physically seen…or know?

The best place to start getting to know someone is by talking to them, spending time in their world, and finding out what makes them tick. It’s the same for God. His message to mankind—his love letter to us—is all found in the Bible. Along with prayerful meditation and conversing with him daily, reading about his story is how we grow close to him.

Becoming familiar with his word, the more we will be acquainted with his marvelous truth. When we become surrendered to him, the more we will grow to love him and allow his Holy Spirit to love others through us.

May the new year bring us into a deeper relationship with our Savior, so that we can grow even closer to him with our entire heart, mind, and soul as we love our neighbor as ourselves.

Can you enter the gate?

When King David took it upon himself to bring the Ark of the Covenant—the symbol of God’s presence—to its rightful place inside the Holy of Holies of the temple, the restoration of religious life was able to continue in Jerusalem.

With much celebration, the procession of Levites and all of the others approached the gate of the great city on the hill. In the name of the King of Glory, they stopped and demanded to be let in.

“Who is this King of glory?” the gatekeepers asked those who’d gathered at the gate to Jerusalem.

“The LORD of hosts. He is the King of glory,” they replied. “He is Yahweh, the almighty God of Israel who gave the nation victory over its enemies.”

Who is able to enter the gates? Only those who have clean hands and pure hearts of loyalty to their Creator. These are the true believers, whom God defends against all opponents, and who will have the ultimate victory when he comes back to earth again.

As it was in the time of David, so it is today; our Lord and Savior—the King of all Kings—is still celebrated and dwelling with his people. May the gates open wide for those who put their trust in Jesus and who make their hearts the new temple.


In the light

The world is a dark place. When walking in darkness, how can we not stumble? Only God brings the light. With God to provide the means of light to see, our paths remain clear to navigate, particularly as we draw near to Him.

Even as we walk with the Lord, every day trials can get us off track. In our imperfect fleshly state, our minds often race to quell the storms, and our reaction to life’s situations can be less than edifying.

In an effort to deal with what comes before us, the one sure thing that will steer us in the right direction and bring peace is leaning on the everlasting arms. When confronted with tough times, God’s word tells us to be slow to speak and slow to anger because “man’s anger cannot accomplish the righteousness of God” ~ James 1:20.

When we put on Christ, we are renewed by and through the Holy Spirit. We have freedom now to be different from the world. Confronted with trouble? Pause. Take a deep breath and yield to the spirit inside with humility and prayer.

As the new year is upon us, let’s take our first steps of the year being fully clothed in Christ!

New Year musings…

Where does the time go? Again, another year has come. A new beginning. A fresh start. Out with the old and in with the new. Happy to say, we’re one year closer to Jesus’ promised return to the earth.

This time of year leads many to make a New Year’s resolution. Yet, how many times have these pledges dissolved by the first snowfall? Our spirits are willing though our flesh is weak.

There are some who vow to become a better person in the New Year. They’re committed to turning over a new leaf. Start anew. Change. This is an admirable goal to achieve, yet by true grit and strength, can the mark be met?

For those who want to be a better person, turning over a new leaf is seldom enough. Before we were born again into the Lord’s family—sinners as we all are—we didn’t only turn over a new leaf—but a new heart. We can’t use the stuff of flesh to make better flesh; we need the Holy Spirit to accomplish the work. It’s not about us becoming a better Joe, Jane, or John; it’s about becoming more like the Savior of the world. We can do “all things through Christ” who strengthens us by his spirit.

May this New Year be our opportunity to yield to God not just some but all of our heart’s goals, hopes, and dreams, so he may mold us into the image of his son. When we “delight in the Lord, he will give us the desires of our heart.” That is…because they will be His desires, too, and, ultimately, what is best for us.




A holy night

On a special night in Bethlehem while shepherds were out in the field keeping an eye on their sheep, the shepherds witnessed the Angel of the Lord, who told them:

“Fear not. For, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord” ~ Luke 2:10-11

While the three wise men came from afar and brought gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh for Jesus, little did anyone know at the time that the child had gifts of his own—for them.

The joy of his presence that came that night would forever change the course of history. By his love and sacrifice on the cross, years later, many would come to believe and receive the peace of God, and everlasting life would be theirs.

“Therefore, since we have been made right in God’s sight by faith, we have peace with God because of what Jesus Christ our Lord has done for us” ~ Romans 5:1

While the world ceremoniously unwraps gifts that will, in time, perish, the Lord brought himself…the greatest gift that is wrapped in love, eternally.

“For this is how God loved the world:  He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life” ~ John 3:16

May the gifts of joy, peace, and love of the Lord be yours this holiday season and always.