Let love win

The church in Corinth had a number of problems in its day; among them, divisions and contentions arose as to who was the better teacher. Within their infighting, they split apart and began to follow different leaders…among them were Apollos and Cephas.

Why the split? Why had contentious groups and factions formed among the brethren? Had they taken their eyes off of Jesus?

“…let there be no divisions among you; but that ye be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment…”

~ 1 Corinthians 1:10

 In his letter to the Philippians, Paul encouraged them also to do everything within the fellowship of a united spirit, intent on one purpose—to love without selfishness or empty conceit—while maintaining the same mind and heart and to let each one consider one another as more important than himself.

At times, we need a self-awareness check, lest we get too full of self. Sometimes, self takes a wrong turn. In gentleness and love, we need to heed to a willingness to learn from one another and accept that we might not always see things the same way. Or is the goal to win the battle at all costs, despite the crossfire over being right? Love would rather be wronged. There should be a spirit of love so present that the differences in the matter become secondary and not what really counts. Love is always the goal. In our personal relationships, all that matters is that love wins.

Praise for our mothers

Our mothers are the true day-to-day heroes. How blessed are those who’ve been nurtured by a Godly woman…one who takes the responsibility of raising her offspring under the guidance of her heavenly Father…who rises to every occasion to help support, encourage, and teach her offspring the way they should go, often selflessly and at every opportunity.

A good mother’s love often extends beyond herself. Sacrificially, she’ll deny herself before her children. She gives and gives until it’s time to give again—even as her children are grown, they will always be a part of her.

Next to Jesus, there is no other love like a mother’s love. Whether here on earth or at home with the Lord, we remember you today and every day with our utmost love and appreciation.

Mothers are God’s special gift to this world. Today, all mothers—grand, foster, and surrogate—are being celebrated. You are a blessing to your children and they are blessed to call you Mother. We hope you have a lovely day!


Lucy and Lena Parisano, my beloved mother and grandmother

He’s coming for His bride!

With every covenant God has made with man from Abraham through Noah, David, and on down through the years, God has remained faithful to Israel, an unfaithful people. Though man let go of his end of the relationship and left God in the back seat through sin, he has always kept his promises.

God, by his grace, has proven over and over how much his people—the church—mean to him. Our Lord rejoices over us. Knowing this, we should rejoice always while serving him in our lives.

The Lord’s loving kindnesses indeed never cease, for His compassions never fail. They are new every morning. Great is Your faithfulness” ~ Lamentations 3:22-23

 As the story of Hosea and his wife Gomer, God delivered a powerful message to the people regarding their unfaithfulness. As Hosea’s wife, Gomer was unfaithful to her husband, returning to a life of prostitution, so God felt betrayed by Israel’s infidelity as well. However, it wasn’t the end of the story. It didn’t end in divorce.

Though man broke the relationship through sin, God found a way to restore the intimacy. That is where Jesus Christ enters the picture. The penalty for our sins ends at the foot of the cross. The Bride of Christ is now clothed in pure whiteness without spot or blemish thanks to Jesus. We look forward to the marriage supper that, one day, will be. Until then, like the parable of the ten virgins, be ready to meet the bridegroom as we are his bride!

Under His wings

The Lord speaks to us in different ways to let us know he’s always with us. Through his Word and even our dreams, oftentimes his communication comes in that still, small voice to give us assurance that he is with us. We can hear his voice whether we are alone or even in a crowd. Though with all that goes on in life, being still enough to hear doesn’t always come easy.

Take the time to step away from all of it and listen for him. You can sometimes sense his presence in the silence of a forest…the rolling of the ocean waves…the serenity of a mountaintop…and in your own heart.

As children of the one true God, the fact that he upholds us with his hand and loves us enough to carry us throughout our lives, we should rejoice every day that the Creator of the Universe has his eye not only on the sparrow. His eye remains on each of his children, as we are the apple of his eye.

Even to your old age I will be the same,

And even to your graying years I will bear you!

I have done it, and I will carry you;

And I will bear you and I will deliver you ~ Isaiah 46:4

Jesus is Alive!

What Jesus endured while on earth is stirring in the deepest of ways because what he suffered on that cruel Roman cross was what every one of us deserves. Pierced, bruised, and crushed—an innocent lamb led to slaughter. Many would have passed out from only a portion of what Jesus suffered That was the fate of our beloved savior.

The compassion of God is truly greater than anything we’ll ever come to know. The more we dwell upon the flogging…the stripes upon his back…the nails in his wrists…and the crown of thorns he wore, along with the mental anguish of the brief separation from his Father while he bore our sins, we can more fully understand the magnitude of his suffering. Though because of this miraculous feat, we are now set free spiritually from everything that besets our souls forever.

Isaiah tells us:  By His stripes we are healed. The greater meaning of it all, we’ll understand in heaven, but for now, we can rest in the truth of God’s word that these things were designed from the beginning for good. All praise, glory, and thanks to God!