Same yesterday, today, and forever!

It’s a marvelous mystery that in the ages before time began, Jesus was there. In the first chapter of John, we read: In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

 Under the Old Testament law, the presence of God dwelt in a cloud between the cherubim that covered the mercy-seat, but now it dwells in Jesus, our Redeemer.

In our finite minds, it’s hard to conceptualize the awesomeness of the nature of Christ. It’s not so much a matter to consume and comprehend through logic but more of a respectful apprehending through our faith. For how can the limited mind of a finite being claim with any authority the process of an infinite God? It’s impossible. But with God, all things are possible.

In Hebrews 1:8-12 we find: Of the Son, God says, ‘Your throne, O God, is forever and ever; a scepter of righteousness is the scepter of Your kingdom… You, Lord, in the beginning laid the foundation of the earth, and the heavens are the works of Your hands; they will perish, but You remain… You are the same, and Your years will not come to an end.’

 We serve an awesome God…the same yesterday, today and forever!

Be glad!

Time is so fleeting…Today comes and goes in a heartbeat it seems. We can’t control time, and since it slips away so easily, the world often encourages us to seize the day (carpe diem). But what are we seizing? What’s the purpose?

God’s word tells us that we should rejoice and be glad for each day. Today is one more day to share His love with others in the time he’s given us, for no one is promised tomorrow. It’s a gift.

Both the sinner and the saved are blessed by the time our Creator lends. With every revolution of the earth as it rotates around the sun, our heavenly Father gives us a new dawn and new opportunities. What we do with our time is our choice. Though we know that wasting our hours is not always prudent, and time spent with the Lord is the best way to start our day regardless of how busy we are.

“So, teach us to number our days that we may gain a heart of wisdom” ~ Psalm 90:12

His mercies are new every morning. With each day having enough troubles of its own, let’s cast all of our cares upon him and believe his promise to give us rest as we abide in Him.

“Rejoice in the Lord always…” ~ Philippians 4:4

Fear not

If God is for us, who can possibly be against us? That is, who can thwart God?

When the Israelites were taken into Babylonian captivity for 70 years, the words of the prophet Isaiah tell us the Lord God of Israel was right there in their midst. He told them to fear not; he was with them to help and strengthen them and would uphold them with his righteous right hand.

In difficult times of trial and trouble, Jesus—and he alone—is the only healing balm we need. He directs the course of great rivers, and by his power, the very atoms in the nails that pierced his flesh while on the cross were held together with his own mighty strength, yes!  If he created the world, and all of the cattle on a thousand hills belong to him, what is your life’s situation that he cannot make good?

Even on your worst day, the calming peace of Jesus can satisfy like no other. He leads us beside the still waters and restores our souls. His peace is like a river, and it flows as a fountain of blessings to his faithful followers, who put their trust fully in Him.

Got trust?

The unfathomable depth of God’s love for humanity began in the Garden of Eden with the first sacrifice of an animal to provide the skin to clothe Adam and Eve. Even after the fellowship was broken through their sin in the Garden, and God cast the couple out, God’s love for them remained. It continued so much that he eventually sent his son to redeem all of mankind from sin.

In times of fear or uncertainty, it should be comforting to know that God is closer than we think. If we are abiding in Christ, there is nothing to fear because we are held in the palm of his hand. We are as close as marrow is to bone.  Unlike worldly love that ebbs and flows at its own discretion, God’s love is an unlimited source that wells up from his true nature.

Today, Christ sits at the right hand of God after making the ultimate sacrifice. Those who’ve put trust in Him should no longer have any fears, worries, or doubts about the Lord’s love or his plans and provisions for our lives. Whether there’s famine, peril, nakedness, or sword, there’s nothing—at all—imaginable that can come between the Lord and His redeemed. 



What path are you on?

In the course of our earthly journey, there are so many paths to take while on this planet–each vying for our attention. Some are better than others. As we walk, we’ll find the lust of the flesh, lust of the eye, and the pride of life do not stop beckoning once we are saved. In fact, these temptations often appear stronger when we’re walking with the Lord.

Walking with the Lord is not a set of arbitrary rules and regulations to keep us boxed in; rather, it is a relationship tethered by a mutual love and bond fostered through the power of the Holy Spirit—our helper—and for our good. It’s a commitment to God. Out of our love for him, we walk according to his precepts.

If we seek Him first…put His way above our own way, and trust in Him as we would our dearest friend, then He will lead us on the path we’re supposed to travel. If you’re ever in doubt as to which way to go, remember, the road map is as close as your faith walk with God.

When confronted with any kind of situation where you think you’ve got it covered, remember how many times the wrong decision was made simply because we thought we knew best.

Let us walk honestly, as in the day; not in rioting and drunkenness, not in chambering and wantonness, not in strife and envying ~ Romans 13:13