Keep love fervent

In his letter to the Philippians, Paul encouraged them to do everything within the fellowship of a united spirit, intent on one purpose—to love without selfishness or empty conceit—while maintaining the same mind and heart and to let each individual consider one another as more important than himself.

Sadly, in Apostle Paul’s day, things had gone awry in this department. The Corinthian church had a number of problems such as infighting, divisions, contentions, and factions. Why the split? Why were people following certain individuals and eschewing others as not good enough? Maybe they had taken their eyes off of Jesus.

“…let there be no divisions among you; but that ye be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment…”

~ 1 Corinthians 1:10

 Sometimes, we need a self-awareness check, lest we get too full of ourselves when self takes a wrong turn. In gentleness and love, we need to heed to a willingness to learn from one another and accept that we might not always see things the same way. Or is the goal to win the battle at all costs, despite the crossfire over being right? Love would rather be wronged. There should be a spirit of love so present that the differences in the matter become secondary and not what really counts. Love is always the goal.

The greatness of God

The greatness of God is unfathomable. Who can measure it? God stepped from eternity into time and space for the purpose of redeeming man from the wickedness of our own disobedience. What’s the purpose of it all?

When Jesus came to earth the first time, he came as a peaceful. loving servant. He healed the sick and caused the blind to see. The miracles he performed drew many, but the essence of who he was became an anathema to some, and so he was hung to die. Yet the greatness of Christ did not let death claim him. He had the victory because he was God!

We sing such spiritual songs as To God Be the Glory and He Lives with emotion because the magnificence of such a being is so uplifting, it moves us. That we could be so loved by him is more than great. There are no words that can truly describe our Savior.

We may never know the answers to why? But that’s okay. If we are to know, one day, we will.

He set my feet upon a rock and established my goings. And he hath put a new song in my mouth, even praise unto our God. Many shall see and fear and shall trust in the LORD ~ Psalm 40:2-3.

Is it fair?

Many view the world’s troubles and try to justify them as being fair or not fair. Is it fair that Jesus suffered for something he did not do? Is it fair that some who receive riches are not always deserving of their wealth?  Does the smartest person always gain the noblest position in life? God’s word tells us that the race doesn’t always go to the swiftest.

The Lord said to Apostle Paul in the midst of bemoaning his physical ailment, “My grace is sufficient.” The grace of an eternal pardon and payment for our sins is the most valuable gift we’ll ever receive. It cost our savior his life; but for us, the gift is free.

One question for the believer:  Because of the cross, who of the saved can demand any other fairness other than the unfair exchange of life that granted you a new one in Christ?

We need to see the circumstances of life through God’s love and not judge God in light of our circumstances. That’s where our faith comes in. There is a purpose for everything God does. Whether or not we understand the Lord’s motivation ,as believers, there is nothing more important to us than our faith… our faith to believe that we are saved, that God loves us, and that his plans include a glorious future for all who put their trust in Him.

Just be still

The Lord speaks to us through his word and, sometimes, if we really listen, we can almost hear the subtlety of a still, small voice. His word instructs us often just to be still.

Be still and know that I am God ~ Psalm 46

It’s not always easy to hear his voice in a world filled with distractions and noise. With all that goes on in our busy lives, taking time to be still is something we need to plan before life’s cares entangle us. Allowing our Creator to take prominence in our hearts and minds as we struggle to silence the chatter is sure to be a balm for whatever ails us.

To be still before the Lord is not always a physical position or something to do in the midst of a silent moment. To be still also means to let your ways yield unto his…to mentally put everything else aside and let the Holy Spirit lead.

As we are only strong in the Lord’s strength, taking the time to consider his ways above and beyond our own can only lead to opening ourselves up to the direction of the Holy Spirit. Isn’t this the place we all yearn to be?

Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for him ~ Psalm 37

Love the Lord

“But you, my Lord, are a God of compassion and mercy; you are very patient and full of faithful love” ~ Psalm 86:15

 In a worldly sense, we can’t help being endeared to someone who is loving and not a threat to our well-being. Some folks are easily lovable, and others take time. As children of God, we are to love them all the same. It’s easy to love someone who loves you, but God says to love even the unlovable.

As for our God, it is amazing to know that he loved us well before we loved him.

“But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us” ~ Romans 5:8

The question we ask is:  How do we love something so ethereal? Something we can’t physically see?

The best place to start getting to know someone is by talking to them, spending time in their world, and finding out what makes them tick. It’s the same for God. His message to mankind—his love letter to us—is all found in the Bible. Along with prayerful meditation and conversing with him daily, by reading His story, we can grow close to him. Becoming familiar with his word, the more we will be acquainted with his marvelous truth. When we become surrendered to him, the more we will grow to love him and allow his Holy Spirit to love others through us.

May we grow into a deeper relationship with our Savior, so that we can grow even closer to him with our entire heart, mind, and soul.