Word made flesh

What a marvelous mystery that God would condescend to earth…but to come here in the form of a baby who grew to be a man and live among us is astounding.

He left paradise for this? Is not his glory far too superior?

The mystery of it all is that he was here from the beginning of all time. The word in John 1:1 declares, “For in the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” We know that the “Word” is referring to Jesus himself.

How unfathomable to comprehend the path that Jesus took to reconcile us to the Father. His obedience to the Father is mind blowing. The ways of our Lord certainly are not our ways, and the more we dwell in his word and contemplate his birth, the more we can appreciate the sacrifice of the suffering servant, who came to fulfill his father’s will—to save the lost and dying.

In you’re still searching…still looking…still seeking whatever it is you’re looking for…remember that all you need began with the birth of a savior. His name is Jesus.

Rejoice and be glad!

 When struggles and trials seem bent on grabbing your soul to squeeze out your joy, rejoice in the Lord and count it all joy as the book of James states. Is it easy? It depends. Doable? Yes, absolutely.

When you rise in the morning and lie down at night and are consumed by personal struggles that plague you, count it all joy. Why? You have the Lord! Your trials and temptations are the chisel which conforms you to be more like Jesus…to make you stronger. Let Him do a good work in you by faithfully keeping your mind on Him.

The worldly panaceas offering relief from the cares and burdens are available in abundance, but they are only temporary crutches and don’t solve anything. For the children of God, the ones Christ calls his brethren, our solace is met at the cross. We don’t need artificial stimulants; they only make the issues worse.

The world is a battlefield for control of our mind. The combat skirmishes will always be here until we’re promoted to heaven, but there is assurance that in Him, our battles are already won. Our deliverance is met in Jesus. Rejoice, he’s on the throne! We are more than conquerors because of Him.

Are you on the right path?

When traveling, vacationing, or just visiting a new place, knowing where you’re going will often save time and keep you on the right track.

In the course of our lives, there are so many paths to take while on this planet. As we walk, we’ll find the lust of the flesh, lust of the eye, and the pride of life do not stop once we are saved. In fact, these temptations often appear stronger when we’re walking with the Lord.

When confronted with any kind of situation where you think you’ve got it covered, how many times the wrong decision was made simply because we thought we knew best?

Walking with the Lord is not a set of arbitrary rules and regulations to keep us boxed in; rather, it is relationship tethered by a mutual love and bond fostered through the power of the Holy Spirit—our helper. It’s a commitment to God, and out of our love for him, we walk according to his precepts.

If we seek Him first…put His way above our own way, and trust in Him as we would our dearest friend, then He will lead us on the path we’re supposed to travel.

If you’re ever in doubt as to which way to go, remember, the road map is as close as your faith walk with God.

My feet have closely followed his steps; I have kept to his way without turning aside – Job 23:11


The bounty is Christ

When we stop to think about all that we’ve been blessed with as believers, having Jesus as our Lord and Savior is at the top of our list…our fruitful bounty. Everything else is but a garnish.

In America, our blessings are so abundant that even the poor are considered rich compared with many other nations around the globe. The word tells us in 1 Timothy 6:8 that if we have food and raiment, we should be content.

While gathered together with family and friends to enjoy food and fellowship this Thanksgiving holiday, let’s also take time to remember the ones who are suffering for their beliefs and pray God would abundantly bless them with his peace and provision.

With thanksgiving in their hearts, the early settlers gave praise and honor to the Lord for many things, most notably, a liberal harvest. William Bradford wrote:

“…And afterwards the Lord sent them such seasonable showers, with interchange of fair, warm weather as, through His blessing, caused a fruitful and liberal harvest, to their no small comfort and rejoicing. For which mercy, in time convenient, they also set apart a day of thanksgiving… By this time harvest was come, and instead of famine, now God gave them plenty … for which they blessed God.” 

May your Thanksgiving be a joyous reminder of all that is Jesus!

He will lead us

As believers, we attempt to walk a path that is pleasing to the Lord. So far, in America our path to worship is still protected. We may have our struggles, and trials, but often our issues pale in comparison to what our brethren around the globe are facing. Their actual lives are often on the line.

Living for Jesus is not the world’s primary interest. To be one with God and walk the straight and narrow path is the opposite of what the world endorses. Live your best life today for tomorrow you may die is their mantra.

In the midst of David’s persecution, he sought the high road by seeking God’s path in Psalm 27 while dodging the enemies surrounding him, who wished to do him harm. Such as it is with the persecuted Christians around the world who suffer for their faith by the enemies of God.

In the midst of spiritual warfare, we join our hearts in prayer  while keeping in mind Matthew 5:44, “But I say to you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you…” and Romans 12:14, “Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse them.” 2 Timothy 3:12 says, “…all who desire to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted…”

Although all of us who claim the name of Jesus will be victimized to some degree, we know our Lord remembers our frames and will not allow us to suffer beyond what we are able to bear through His strength working inside us. May those suffering servants around the world feel God’s grace poured out on them today, and may his spirit carry them into tomorrow.