His light

Without God in the world, there would be no light. With God to provide the light to see, our paths remain clear to travel. While in the light and as we draw nearer to him, we can clearly see the obstacles in our way. When we walk in darkness, do we not stumble?

Even as we are sanctified, every day trials can get us off track, despite the Holy Spirit dwelling inside us. Our minds often race to quell the storms, and our immediate reactions to life’s situations can be fleshly and prideful.

In an effort to deal with what comes our way, the only thing that will steer us in the right direction and bring us peace is leaning on the everlasting arms. When confronted with tough times that draw out the worst in us, God’s word tells us to chill…be slow to speak and slow to anger because “man’s anger cannot accomplish the righteousness of God” ~ James 1:20.

When we put on Christ, we are renewed by and through the Holy Spirit. We have freedom now to be different from the world. Confronted with trouble? Pause. Take a deep breath and yield to the spirit inside with prayer…it goes a long way.

As the new year is upon us, let’s take our first steps of the year being fully clothed in Christ.


A gift from heaven

Sometimes, it’s hard to accept a gift. When we’re handed something that’s unexpected, an awkward feeling kind of washes up, and we will sometimes blush and say, oh, you really shouldn’t have, or… oh, that wasn’t necessary!

Why do we do this? Is it a pride thing? I don’t need anything. Or an esteem thing that we consider gifts as some kind of handout?  It could also be that we just don’t like fruitcake and would rather hand that little round tin back to you, but it’s not always about us, and by balking, we might as well throw cold water on the giver.

On a grander and more exponential scale, ever wonder how God feels when the world balks at the free gift of salvation offered by his only begotten son? Oh, that’s not necessary, God. I’m good. It’s free? Oh, no, I need to work for my stuff. No such thing as a free lunch, right? You shouldn’t have!

      There’s a story about a gentleman and the little old lady. He’d once offered to help the woman with her overgrown yard and unsightly trees that she didn’t have the skill to remove herself. She didn’t want to put him out—embarrassed that it would be too much trouble—but this gentleman seemed most eager to do the work. He’d offered his gifts of time and talent, and she soon thought it good to allow him to do the work he’d wanted to do for her. While she could have balked and rejected his offer, saying it wasn’t necessary or no, that’s alright, instead she said, sure, thank you…that’s a lovely offer. By so doing, she didn’t rob the gentleman of the blessing of his giving.

      God’s gift to mankind is an even lovelier offer. “For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son…” Have you accepted the priceless gift of Jesus? It’s wrapped with an eternity of blessings including peace, joy, hope, and a glorious future.

Our times are in his hands

Do you have a New Year’s resolution that you vow to keep? There are some who want to become a better person in the New Year. They’re committed to turning over a new leaf and start anew. This is an admirable goal to achieve. Is it doable? Sure, the spirit is willing, but the flesh is often weak. Are true grit and strength alone enough? How many times have these pledges dissolved by the first snowfall?

Before we were born again into the Lord’s family—sinners as we all are—we didn’t only turn over a new leaf—but a new heart. We can’t use the stuff of flesh to make better flesh; we need the Holy Spirit to accomplish the work. It’s not about us becoming a better person; it’s about becoming more like the Savior of the world. We can do “all things through Christ” who strengthens us by his spirit.

May this New Year be our opportunity to yield to God not just some but all of our heart’s goals, hopes, and dreams, so he may mold us into the image of his son. When we “delight in the Lord, he will give us the desires of our heart.” That is…because they will be His desires, too, and, ultimately, what is best for us.

Celebrating our savior’s birth

The moment in time when Jesus arrived in Bethlehem as a baby, he was destined for a great mission. That he would leave his home in heaven for earth boggles the mind, and to come in the humblest means possible to begin his life in a feeding trough in a lowly stable is unfathomable.

Out of his humble estate, the baby grew to become prophet, priest, and King of Kings. His thirty-three years on earth created a mark in history that would be forever a turning point. For everything vile, despised, and eschewed by man, Jesus, our Emmanuel—God-with-us—gave his life. He became the sacrifice to bring all who believe in him into an everlasting fellowship with the Father. A gift to all men…and one that doesn’t stop giving.

We celebrate the savior’s birth today, this season, and in our hearts all the year through. Like the angels sang in their celebration on that fateful, joyous day, we, too, rejoice. “Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace, goodwill toward men” – Luke 2:14

The Name above all Names

Though we’re all familiar with the Christmas story, it still defies logic to comprehend an infinite God, who came to earth for our sake, yet was born of a virgin and lived a human though Godly life? Can you wrap your head around that?

Scripture tells us that Jesus was tempted, hungry, and that he identified with man’s sufferings. But to humble himself to endure such a lowly existence for the three decades he walked the earth is such a study in contrasts.

With our finite minds, it’s hard to conceptualize the awesomeness of the nature of Jesus. That he always was and always will be the great God of all Creation who loves us is too magnificent to fathom. It’s not so much a matter to consume and comprehend through logic but more of a respectful apprehending through our faith.

We celebrate the Lord’s birth this season as well as every day in our hearts because He first loved us. There are so many names for him because his being is so infinite, no one name can describe, define, nor contain Him.

For unto you is born this day a Savior, which is Christ, the Lord ~ Luke 2:11