Be still and know that I am God

   For God alone, O my soul, wait in silence, for my hope is from him ~ Psalm 62:5

         The Lord speaks to us through his word and, sometimes, if we really listen, we can almost hear the subtlety of a still, small voice. His word instructs us often just to be still.

Be still and know that I am God ~ Psalm 46

           It’s not always easy to hear his voice in a world filled with distractions and noise. With all that goes on in our busy lives, taking time to be still is something we need to plan before life’s cares entangle us. Allowing our Creator to take prominence in our hearts and minds as we struggle to silence the chatter is sure to be a balm for whatever ails us.

To be still before the Lord is not always a physical position or something to do in the midst of a silent moment. To be still also means to let your ways yield unto his…to mentally put everything else aside and let the Holy Spirit lead.

As we are only strong in the Lord’s strength, taking the time to consider his ways above and beyond our own can only lead to opening ourselves up to the direction of the Holy Spirit. Isn’t this the place we all yearn to be?

Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for him ~ Psalm 37

Independence Through Christ

“If my people which are called by my name shall humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land…” 2 Chronicles 7:14

We know God has always had a special relationship with the nation of Israel. When King Solomon dedicated the temple and prayed to the Lord, in turn, the Lord responded to say that if the people kept his commandments, they would receive prosperity; if not, they would not be blessed but would receive the punishment of hardship and banishment from the land.

The New Covenant we have through Jesus is not about a nation but more of a promise to God’s faithful children—the church. Our promise is not necessarily the prosperity of wealth, although it could be, but more so the fulfilment of being prospered spiritually through the Holy Spirit. The temple now resides in us, the believers.

Being humble and hungry for the Lord’s will to be done doesn’t start through our strength; it starts with seeking the Lord’s face, so that we can become instruments to further his plans and purposes here on earth.

As America celebrates Independence Day this week, we are reminded of the blessings we’ve been given and give thanks to the many who fought to allow this nation to stand. Though we are a great nation of freedom and liberty, remember, we are only truly free through the blood stained cross of Christ.

He’s alive!

Our Lord and savior Jesus is amazing. While some wanted him to die and set up a cross on which to hang him on that fateful day, he defied even death and rose three days later from the grave.

What he endured while on that cruel Roman cross was what each one of us deserves. Though because of his perfect plan of redemption for the sins of mankind, he underwent the suffering so we wouldn’t have to.

Pierced, bruised, and crushed—like an innocent lamb led to slaughter. Many would have passed out from only a portion of the pain Jesus suffered. That was the fate of our beloved savior. And so underserved.

The compassion of God is truly greater than anything we’ll ever come to know. The more we dwell upon the flogging…the stripes upon his back…the nails in his wrists…and the crown of thorns on his head, along with the mental anguish from the brief separation from his Father, while he bore our sins, we can more fully understand the magnitude of his suffering. Though because of this miraculous feat, all believers are now set free spiritually from everything that besets our souls forever.

By His stripes we are healed. The greater meaning of it all, we’ll understand in heaven, but for now, we can rest in the truth of God’s word that these things were designed from the beginning for good. All praise, glory, and thanks to God!

Father of fathers

In the month of June, we set aside a special day to celebrate and honor all men, both young and old, who have earned the distinguished title of Father. A father is more than just being a Daddy or passing down DNA. The task of fatherhood is a great sacrifice, as all fathers can attest.

There is no official instruction manual for fatherhood, no protocol to follow, for each child has different needs to be met. Though the instruction book for life—the Bible—has everything one needs to accomplish the job. What better example to follow than our heavenly Father who, by his grace, has given his children more than what is deserved.

Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord ~ Ephesians 6:4

Maybe your biological father was absent or less than fatherly. Even so, remember that you have another father—one whom you may not presently see. Another absent father? No, he is very present, even more than if he were standing beside you. The love of this father, our Lord, is incomparable to any other.

To our earthly fathers: We are grateful for all you’ve done for us. Thank you for your sacrificial time, devotion, and love. To our Lord:  Thank you for going above and beyond in sending your son to die on our behalf. May every day be Father’s Day in our hearts toward you, Lord.


Ever exalted one

When the Jews were released from their many years in captivity under the discipline of the Lord by way of the Assyrians, the Babylonians, and also after coming out from slavery through Pharaoh in Egypt, there were so many reasons for God’s people to be joyful and shout aloud to him in their Promised Land.

 Let us come before his presence with thanksgiving and make a joyful noise unto him with psalms ~ Psalm 95:2

Like King David was committed to praising God after God delivered David from the hands of his enemies, and through his deliverance, he learned to fear the Lord and not to fear man, we, too, should praise our Lord without ceasing at every opportunity and every turn.

At all times, in every situation, and even through our trials as well as our bliss, praising the Lord is never out of season. Let’s follow the example of David and have our lips filled with God’s praise—always.

Oh, magnify the Lord with Me, and let us exalt His name together ~ Psalm 34:3