It’s all about grace

Of all the people in the New Testament, one interesting figure is Apostle Paul. A former persecutor of the church and Pharisee, his experiences forthtold in the New Testament show a man who could have easily exalted himself above his peers, for he’d been granted the privilege to be caught up into the “third heaven” where he saw some utterly amazing things. However, later, he was also granted a thorn in the flesh.

Much speculation has lent to theories on exactly what the apostle’s thorn was. His eyesight perhaps? It’s not for certain, but Paul beseeched the Lord three times to have it removed from him. However, Paul didn’t receive the answer exactly as he requested. Why?

 “And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness… “~ 2 Corinthians 9

Later in this same chapter, Paul makes it clear that he understands why the Lord withheld the removal of the thorn.  It was so that Paul would not exalt himself more than he should and to safeguard his humility.

God reminded Paul that the power behind Paul’s ministry was not in Paul’s experiences or abilities or even in the absence of troubles. Rather, it was God’s grace. When we are weak, God’s power is even more evident. He provides the strength for us to withstand whatever challenges come upon us. It’s a faith walk.