The bride of Christ

God, by his grace, has proven over and over how much his people—the church—mean to him. Our Lord rejoices over us. Knowing this, we should rejoice always while serving him in our lives.

In the story of Hosea and his wife, Gomer, God delivered a powerful message to the people regarding their unfaithful behavior.  As Hosea’s wife was unfaithful to her husband, returning to a life of prostitution, God felt betrayed by Israel’s infidelity as well. However, it wasn’t the end of the story. It didn’t end in divorce.

With every covenant God has made with man from Abraham through David and on down through the ages, God has remained faithful to Israel, an unfaithful people. Though man let go of his end of the relationship and left God through sin, he has always remained faithful to us.

Though man broke the relationship through sin, God found a way to restore the intimacy. That is where Jesus enters the picture. The penalty for our sins ends at the foot of the cross. The Bride of Christ is now clothed in pure whiteness without spot or blemish thanks to Jesus. We look forward to the marriage supper that, one day, will occur. Until then, like the parable of the ten virgins, be ready to meet the bridegroom as we are his bride!

The Lord’s loving kindnesses indeed never cease, for His compassions never fail. They are new every morning. Great is Your faithfulness” ~ Lamentations 3:22-23