2024In His footsteps
The God who preserved Jerusalem is the same God who guides, encourages, protects, and keeps us secure by and through His grace. Whatever befalls us…whether issues, circumstances, troubles, persecutions, impending doom, or even death, our Lord is there to guide us every step of the way. Surely, he’s our best help in all of life’s situations as we walk securely in his footsteps.
A believer should be forever grateful to be part of the Lord’s flock because our great shepherd is there to guide us. Who better? You can find no better ally to have your back than our beloved Jehovah. Though we may need prodding like sheep, to be part of the Lord’s fold is the most humbling—yet gratifying—place to be.
Without a shepherd’s guidance, a flock of sheep can easily roam right out of the pasture and end up falling off a cliff. Same with people. Though for the saved, we have a personal 24-hour shepherd who holds us in the palm of his hand and who offers a better way than a cliff dive.
I am the good shepherd. I know my own and my own know me, just as the Father knows me and I know the Father ~ John 10:14-15.
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