2024His perfect peace
Pain and worry from personal struggles and issues of the day are often bound up in us when we take our eyes off the ball. Not a ballgame; it’s serious matters of life that so easily entangle us when we look at the problems instead of looking to Christ.
In difficult times of trials and troubles, Jesus—and he alone—is the only healing balm we need. With all of the power he has, what is your life’s situation that he cannot handle for you and give you peace in your soul?
Whose burdens are you carrying that you are so weighted…or that you’re overburdened and spread so thin that there’s nothing left by the end of the day and you are worn and stressed to the point of breaking? Is this where God has called you?
For my yoke is easy and my burden is light ~ Matthew 11:30
No matter what is going on, the calming peace of Jesus is there to take in. It’s like no other. He leads us beside the still waters and restores our souls. His peace is like a river, and it flows as a fountain of blessings to his faithful followers, who put their trust fully in Him.
I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world. ~ John 16:33
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