2024Holy is his name
No matter how holy we may appear on the outside, our righteousness will never be enough to please a holy God, as the word says in the O.T. that all of our righteousness is akin to filthy rags. Sadly, our goodness will never suffice in pleasing Him or pave a path for us into heaven because it’s not really about us. We can never become holy enough on our own unless we first “put on” Christ.
So many feel that they must earn their way into heaven…or do some kind of work or penance to appease our holy God. Really? Is that what God’s word is saying?
According to Hebrews 11:6, it is impossible to please God without a genuine conviction that he exists. And as far as getting into heaven…Ephesians 2 tells us that it is “by his grace that we have been saved through faith…” and by which we trust Him for our salvation.
Try as we may, God is too great to impress with our own self-righteousness. The only way to please God is by having faith in his Son, the Lord Jesus, who graciously gave up his life in order we may live. No one can save themselves, which is good to know because Jesus did it all through his free gift of salvation by His grace alone.
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