2024Like the eagle
With places to go and things to do, busy people often find themselves on autopilot. Meanwhile…stuck in traffic or running late with a thousand chores on the list, it would be great to hitch a ride on the wings of an eagle and move ahead swiftly.
When facing an impasse in life, soring ahead of our problems would make life so much simpler. Whether it’s a mere road delay or a problem so insurmountable that we want to escape it altogether, flying high away from the situation on this awesome creature would be our first option.
Interestingly, when a storm is brewing, an eagle can sense the incoming danger. Rather than becoming spooked, the eagle patiently waits for the wind to come and then uses it to fly high and above the storm. When we’re born again into a new life with Christ and the Holy Spirit now dwells within us, we are new creatures. Metaphorically, as the eagle sheds its feathers as it ages, we, too, shed our old feathers and now bear new ones in Christ. If only we could rise above the storms of life as seamlessly as the eagle…but we can! Not in escapism but rather in our faith walk with Jesus.
As we wait upon the Lord, it’s a precarious balance of trust and expectation. Though by his word, we are assured that like the stately eagle, our strength will be renewed. We can, indeed, overcome our problems as we are “more than conquerors through Him who loved us” ~ Romans 8:37.
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