2024An everlasting light
Did you ever consider that without God in the world, there would be no light? The world would be void. As God provides the light, it’s a different story—both physically and even more so, spiritually.
With God’s light, our paths remain clear to travel. While in the light and as we draw nearer to Him, we can clearly see the obstacles in our way. When we walk in darkness, do we not stumble?
Even as we are sanctified, every day trials can get us off track, despite the Holy Spirit dwelling inside us. Our minds often race to quell the storms, and our immediate reactions to life’s situations can be fleshly and prideful.
We may not see eye-to-eye on issues or life’s problems with each other, but a civil, peaceful plan of disagreement is far more profitable than a civil war. We may not always agree, but disagreeing peacefully goes a long way…as “the battle belongs to the Lord.”
“Man’s anger cannot accomplish the righteousness of God” ~ James 1:20.
In an effort to deal with what comes our way, the only thing that will steer us in the right direction and bring us peace is leaning on the everlasting arms. So, as the new year is upon us, let’s take our first steps of the year being fully clothed in the light of Christ.
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