2023A glorious future
One can only imagine the hardship of existence under the dominating command and control of foreign empires. That’s what the Jews were forced to endure before they were carried away from their homeland. Can you envision uprooting your lifestyle at the whim and fancy of dominating brutes and then be forced to move away from your home?
Jeremiah spoke to the Jews in the midst of their suffering and told them they would live in a place called Babylon for at least 70 years. He told them to settle down, build houses, marry, and even pray for the peace and prosperity of the city in which they now found themselves (Jeremiah 29:4-10).
Christ followers presently facing difficult life situations and struggles also can take comfort in the words spoken by this prophet. While God’s response is not always to provide immediate escape or rescue from difficult situations or bend to our inclinations…sometimes, he stirs things up in ways we don’t understand. Though it’s not in vain. He proclaims through Jeremiah that when you “call on me and come and pray to me… I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart” (Jeremiah 19:12-13).
There is comfort in these words that God will not forsake us. God promises that He has a plan to prosper his people no matter the outcome as we foresee it. Walk by faith in His promises.
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