Loving the Lord

It’s not hard to be endeared to those who are loving toward us and not a threat to our well-being. Some folks are so easily lovable… like a piece of bread… without pretense nor agenda. And others—those we may find prickly, officious, or who take our advantage—may take time to warm to. Though as children of God, we are called to love everyone the same regardless.

As for our God, it is amazing to know that he loved us despite our own prickliness, officiousness, or worse, our sin and unbelief! So, why should we act any different toward others?

“But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us” ~ Romans 5:8

 The question to ask is:  How do we love something so ethereal…so holy…and what we can’t physically see? The best place to start getting to know someone is by talking to them, spending time in their world, and finding out what makes them tick. It’s the same for God. His message to mankind—his love letter to us—is found in the Bible. Along with prayerful meditation and conversing with him daily, by reading his story, we can grow closer to him. Becoming familiar with his word, the better our acquaintance with his marvelous truth. When we become surrendered to him, the more we will grow to love him and allow his Holy Spirit to love others through us.