2023Ever exalted one
When the Jews were released from their many years in captivity under the discipline of the Lord by way of the Assyrians, the Babylonians, and also after coming out from slavery through Pharaoh in Egypt, there were so many reasons for God’s people to be joyful and shout aloud to him in their Promised Land.
Let us come before his presence with thanksgiving and make a joyful noise unto him with psalms ~ Psalm 95:2
Like King David was committed to praising God after God delivered David from the hands of his enemies, and through his deliverance, he learned to fear the Lord and not to fear man, we, too, should praise our Lord without ceasing at every opportunity and every turn.
At all times, in every situation, and even through our trials as well as our bliss, praising the Lord is never out of season. Let’s follow the example of David and have our lips filled with God’s praise—always.
Oh, magnify the Lord with Me, and let us exalt His name together ~ Psalm 34:3
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