2023From God’s eyes
As we look at the world through our own limited perspective, it’s not always the view God sees. At even a casual glance, everything the Lord has made here on earth and all that is in it speaks of his divine intelligence. We may take it for granted, but to observe a honeybee dance upon a cluster of sunflowers, or a bird forage for a worm, or a colony of ants diligently building their homes in the sand…there’s an order, a divine order in everything and all for God’s purposes.
God created everything under the sun and made it beautiful in its season. His creation exists as he saw fit to make it, and we who are in it have one purpose—to glorify Him and love our neighbor as ourselves.
Whether in adversity or prosperity, one way or the other, all things of God truly work together for good for those who love God and are called according to His purpose ~ Romans 8:28.
One day, we’ll look back and see the tapestry the Lord has created in each of our lives. Like Joseph’s coat of many colors, God’s divine providence will reveal the picture that was there all the while, if only we had the perspective to fully understand and appreciate all that is divine.
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