2023What’s your GPS today?
In the course of our lives, there are so many directions to go. Some ways are better than others. Some roads lead us to despair and others lead to joy. As we travel, we’ll find a lot of detours that may lead us astray. The roads leading to the pride of life do not stop once we are saved. In fact, these temptations may appear stronger even when we’re walking with the Lord.
The ways of the Lord are not just arbitrary rules and regulations to keep us reigned in; rather, it’s a relationship tethered by a mutual love and powered through the Holy Spirit—our helper—for our protection. It’s a commitment to God. Out of our love for him, we walk according to his precepts.
If we seek Him first…put His way above our own way, and trust in Him as we would our dearest friend, then He will lead us on the path we’re supposed to travel. Otherwise, when we find ourselves in a ditch and wonder how we got there, we can only ask ourselves: Whose directions led me here? We can cry out to the Lord so save us, but seeking him first would have been the ultimate route to take.
Show me your ways, Lord; teach me your paths ~ Psalm 25:4
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