He reigns

If there is anything we can be assured of, it’s that God is real and not fiction. He’s alive and always was. His reign knows no beginning nor end. In our finite minds, it’s impossible to capture the awesomeness of the nature of God, for how can our limited minds fully understand the complexity of an infinite God?

Everything he’s made has an order to it—whether small or large. The atoms that make up matter…the path of the earth as it revolves around the sun…the natural design of a man and a woman—all are governed by his superior creative intelligence.

God’s works are immeasurably beyond awesome. Whether in the heavens or on earth, in the quiet of a starry sky, or the melodies of a tiny song sparrow, he is not so far removed from his design as some would believe. No, he’s closer than that. In the sunlight of the early dawn bursting on the horizon or the sharp peels of thunder, his power and presence are all too real. His creation is beyond inspiring.

The next time you take notice of the newly sprouted trees and flowers in your backyard or along the roadways and hillsides, consider how the lilies of the field grow…yet not even King Solomon in all of his glory had ever been clothed so well as these.

We serve an awesome God!

The heavens declare the glory of God and the sky above proclaims his handiwork ~ Psalm 19:1