2023His triumphal entry
On his way down from the Mount of Olives into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, Jesus rode on the back of a donkey. He chose this docile creature rather than a gallant horse because his purpose was not one of a warrior’s grand entrance into battle. No, our humble Lord strode on the back of a gentle beast of burden so as to come in humbly. No pomp and circumstance. No, this was not the time for his coronation—not yet, anyway. Some wondered just who he was among those who waved their palms in the hopes of being liberated that day. But Jesus had other plans—for now.
At seeing the people, Jesus was disheartened to the point of tears because he knew their fate…the imminent suffering that would soon befall the city at the hands of the Romans. While some were excited and shouted, “Hosanna to God in the highest, blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord”; others were not so pleased…namely, the chief priests and Pharisees.
This day was among the last before his crucifixion. Sadly, even the apostles didn’t quite understand the prophecies that were being fulfilled and that this was not an earthy victory march but a heavenly one. Most everyone there did not understand that Jesus was preparing to die for them.
The Lord’s victory march is still to come. Then all will see that he is, indeed, victorious. This will come later when he comes back to earth to receive his own and dwell with us throughout eternity. What an exciting day that will be! Maranatha, Lord.
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