Be glad!

Time is so fleeting…Today comes and goes in a heartbeat it seems. We can’t control time, and since it slips away so easily, the world often encourages us to seize the day (carpe diem). But what are we seizing? What’s the purpose?

God’s word tells us that we should rejoice and be glad for each day. Today is one more day to share His love with others in the time he’s given us, for no one is promised tomorrow. It’s a gift.

Both the sinner and the saved are blessed by the time our Creator lends. With every revolution of the earth as it rotates around the sun, our heavenly Father gives us a new dawn and new opportunities. What we do with our time is our choice. Though we know that wasting our hours is not always prudent, and time spent with the Lord is the best way to start our day regardless of how busy we are.

“So, teach us to number our days that we may gain a heart of wisdom” ~ Psalm 90:12

His mercies are new every morning. With each day having enough troubles of its own, let’s cast all of our cares upon him and believe his promise to give us rest as we abide in Him.

“Rejoice in the Lord always…” ~ Philippians 4:4