A time for everything

The book of Ecclesiastes speaks about the seasons of life. With everything under the sun, there is a time—a time to reap and a time to sow; a time to mourn and a time to laugh; a time to gather and a time to cast away.

With everything the Lord brings to us as believers, whether to our delight or adversity, it’s for his purposes. Whether it pleases or not, there is really nothing to lose or gain compared to the fulfillment of a God-centered life as only God brings us true contentment even apart from our circumstances.

Whether in good times or bad, the blessing of his hand in our lives is what sustains us. The surpassing joys or sorrows will fade in time, and our spirits are sustained through it all as we remain focused on the power of his presence in our lives.

As with anything earthly, it passes. Though the riches of the spiritual gifts designed by God for us are meant to be life sustaining and everlasting.

To everything there is a season…winter, spring, summer and fall. Each is part of the pattern of life which God has established on earth.