What time is it?

The Lord gives us time while on the earth. It’s a precious gift. As stewards, it’s our choice how we use it. With the 86,400 seconds in each day, the way we prioritize those moments is important to getting the best out of life that is offered. We can be distracted with the unimportant, or we can live each day as though it were our last.

God has given each of us a pre-determined number of days. What are we to do with them?

“Teach us to number our days that we may gain a heart of wisdom” ~ Psalm 90:12

Our time is a God-given gift, and with it we can choose to honor him through what we spend our time on or dishonor him. It’s our choice. For the saved, we’ve come to know that seeking his face in all we do is better than doing things on our own. Let it be our resolution to seek His kingdom rather than possessions and Godliness rather than selfishness.

Some would define God as a great clockmaker, who set the world up and then walked away to let the clock run on its own time. But God is anything but negligent of His creation. No, he’s playing an active role in the world even though he lives outside of time.

Always remember our days are numbered by God for a purpose. Make the best use of the time he has given. It’s a gift, and each day on earth—our time—is in his loving hands.