Let the light shine…

What is the purpose of light? Do we light a candle and then place it in a closet or hide it under the bed? No, we put it on a candlestick, so the light may shine.

The Bible tells us “to let our light shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.” This isn’t to brag about ourselves; it’s to brag on God and how magnificent he is. Without his spirit working inside of believers, all of our works are wood, hay and stubble.

In him was life, and the life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it ~ John 1:4-5

 The world is a dark place. So, many are wandering around like a ship without an anchor. Like the apostles and disciples in Jesus’ day, our job on earth is not so much to live for ourselves but to live as examples to others of who Christ is as we represent the church.

Singing to the Lord, praying, praising, thanking, teaching, preaching, and witnessing for Christ in our walks are just a few of the ways to worship and magnify the Lord. There are so many ways to reflect his love. Lifting up his name is the least we can do for the loving savior whose light lives within us.