Remain in the vine

On the night Jesus was betrayed, he spoke to his disciples concerning what would become of him in the days to follow his death on a cruel Roman cross. In the book of John, our Savior prepared his people to face the reality of his being put to death—the crucifixion—and assure them that he would be resurrected and, later, ascend back to his Father in heaven. Jesus also gave them instructions on what he expected from them going forward and that there would be work to do until his imminent return to earth one day.

The intention of Jesus was to bring joy and to encourage the hearts of his disciples. He knew they’d be despairing soon and wanted to reassure them that if they kept abiding in him, they would be fruitful in the work set before them.

These things I have spoken to you so that My joy may be in you, and that your joy may be made full ~ John 15:11

It is the same for us in 2021. In this world of turmoil and despair, things seem to get worse. However, we know that by God’s grace, we can make it through another day because he goes before us. He prepares the way. In Christ, we can do more than we think. Though the cares of this world weigh us down, the spirit inside us can rise above our troubles as we put our hope, faith, and trust in him.

Because He lives, I can face tomorrow,
Because He lives, all fear is gone;
Because I know He holds the future,
And life is worth the living,
Just because He lives! ~ Bill Gaither