2021Goodness and Mercy are his name
The goodness of God is all around us. Sometimes, we don’t take notice. Being in a rush or too busy can prevent us from seeing things that we ought to notice. Taking the time to appreciate the beauty of the earth and its bounty is worth the effort and brings us one step closer to the Almighty creator of it all—our God.
When the actual greatness of God is realized in that he is one God in three persons—Father, Son and Holy Spirit—it’s jaw dropping to fathom. The power to create life and to produce the entire blueprint for everything that has been created is too remarkable to comprehend with our finite minds. Even more impressive is that God’s power extends even to controlling the very atoms and molecules that made up the nails that pierced his beloved Son’s body as he hung on a wooden cross. Yes, while Jesus endured the punishment for every one of our sins, his own power, as God, held those nails together. Talk about power!
His greatness is above our imaginations. To know him is to love him, and the more we know the Lord, the more we see his power working. The beauty of it all is that he desires a relationship with each of us, so that we are able to get to know him by asking him to enter our lives.
Right now, we only see a glimpse of his true glory, including his creation, his Word, his promises, along with his grace. Though when we see him face-to-face, the fullness of what we’ll see will be like nothing we’ve ever known before.
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