Got love?

In Apostle Paul’s day, the church in Corinth had a number of problems. Among them were divisions and contentions among the Corinthians, and with their infighting, Paul learned that some were joining different leaders. Some were now following Apollos while others aligned with Cephas.

Why the split? Why had contentious groups and factions formed among the brethren? Had they taken their eyes off of Jesus?

“…let there be no divisions among you; but that ye be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment…”

~ 1 Corinthians 1:10

 In his letter to the Philippians, Paul encouraged them also to do everything within the fellowship of a united spirit, intent on one purpose—to love without selfishness or empty conceit—while maintaining the same mind and heart and to let each one consider one another as more important than himself.

At times, we need a self-awareness check, lest we get too full of self. Sometimes, self takes a wrong turn. In gentleness and love, we need to heed to a willingness to learn from one another and accept that we might not always see things the same way. Or is the goal to win the battle at all costs, despite the crossfire over being right? Love would rather be wronged. There should be a spirit of love so present that the differences in the matter become secondary and not what really counts. Love is always the goal, and in our personal relationships, all that matters is that love wins.