2021Out with the old…
With the cultural and political unrest of this past year, we can all breath a collective sigh that 2020 is officially over. The infamous year will go down as a particularly trying one for many. Though there is always an upside to trials, particularly for God’s children.
For believers, the book of James points us to the mindset we should have during trials and tribulations, and that we are to “count it all joy” when we encounter them, for the “trying of our faith works patience.” But we need to allow patience to work in us or we’ll never master it.
As some lament the world is falling apart; for the children of God, we know with the Lord on the throne, things are not falling apart but instead are falling together. Although we cannot see all of our Lord’s plans and purposes in the blueprint of life, we do know he is at the helm in the midst of the battle. Resting through trusting in his promises is our only refuge.
Trials and tribulations are relative. Some by the fire, and some by the flood… What the Lord allows us to endure as Christians is all for our holiness and to mold us into becoming more refined in Christ. We may scoff and shrink back, but he promises to never leave our side, and his grace is always there to carry us through no matter the storm.
Now that 2021 is here, we’re closer to Jesus’s promise of returning to earth. In the meantime, we trust his word, which says, “…God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose” ~ Romans 8:28
May we have a blessed New Year in the Lord!