2020Wonderful, counselor, Prince of Peace
This season we celebrate something so miraculous, it never gets old. No, it’s not the fat man in the red suit squeezing himself down the chimney!
Though, we’re all familiar with the Christmas story, it still remains difficult to logically comprehend. An infinite God who came to earth for our sakes, yet was born of a virgin and lived a human though Godly life? It defies all logic.
This tiny baby grew to become a prophet, priest, and the King of Kings. His presence on earth created a mark in history that would forever be a turning point. Jesus became the division between the pride of the proudful and the humility of the repentant. His life’s example paved the way for believers to emulate by and through his spirit into the way of truth and life.
On that quiet night, the angels sang in heaven and the world would be forever changed.
Christ is the Lord/Oh praise his name forever/His power and glory evermore proclaim!
Jesus was tempted, hungry, and scripture says that he identified with man’s sufferings. But that he humbled himself to endure such a lowly existence for the years he walked the earth is such a study in contrasts.
With our finite minds, it’s hard to conceptualize the awesomeness of the nature of Jesus. That he always was and always will be the great God of all Creation who loves us is too magnificent to fathom. It’s not so much a matter to consume and comprehend through logic but more of a respectful apprehending through our faith.
We celebrate the Lord’s birth this season as well as every day in our hearts because He first loved us. There are so many names for him because his being is so infinite, no one name can describe, define, nor contain Him.
Still, we wonder if Mary knew she bore the Lord of all creation, heaven’s perfect lamb, and who would one day heal the nations?
May the spirit of the season give you much peace and draw you closer to the Lord as you celebrate Him.
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