2020Where’s your true strength?
No other stronghold is needed to keep a believer steady in the face of a storm than when we grab a hold of the rock of our salvation—our blessed Lord Jesus. The winds of defeat may rage all around us, but the buffeting blows can only threaten; they cannot take us down.
When a frightened David cried out for protection from the threats of Saul, he said, “You are my Lord…apart from you, I have no good thing.” In the midst of his situation, David knew that through his adversity, the only sure thing to keep him safe was his Lord.
When we place our trust in our Lord’s care, we know that we’ve entered a sacred place amid enemy territory. While the battle rages, we can be as sure as David and say, “My heart is glad and my tongue rejoices; my body also will rest secure because you will not abandon me…”
There’s nothing that can separate us from the Lord, his love, and his protection. Though our worldly foes—the flesh and the devil—would wish it otherwise, their efforts cannot stand up to the Lord’s plans and purposes for us. Should we go through hard times in the midst of keeping with the Lord, it is all part of his honing and refining to make us into the image of his beloved son. There is nothing to fear.
While on earth, there will be trouble, but Jesus tells us to take heart because he’s overcome the world!
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