2019The Good Shepherd
As sheep, we can wander; though, as we rest in the nurture of the Lord, we can’t go far because his grasp is large. The word tells us that neither height nor depth…nothing at all can remove us from his hand. Even if one goes astray, our divine shepherd sets his sights on bringing the little one back into his fold.
One of the most well known and often quoted psalms in the Bible is the twenty-third, where Jesus is spoken of as our shepherd. How comforting to know we are in his flock and he has his eye on each of us, that he makes us to lie down in green pastures, leads us beside the still waters and restores our souls. He doesn’t just want us to pass through the quiet of the pastoral land; he makes us linger there as we’re led through His paths of righteousness.
If we should walk in the valley of the shadow of death, there is no fear of death because with God, it is but a shadow. And by His rod and His staff, he will comfort us.
When he comes again or takes us home, the knowledge that we’ll be together with him forever is beyond lovely. It’s the assurance to which we cling. Even with the uncertainty of tomorrow, we are sealed and have hope today that our tomorrows will be fine with the Lord by our side.
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