2019Living water…
Ninety-nine degrees in the scorching summer heat and you’re desperately craving relief for your parched throat. Unlike hunger, which can be tamed for a while, dehydration is a different matter…in another league. It can be deadly.
King David longed for the Lord in this way, as though his very soul would die without the quenching of his thirst for the fellowship of the Lord—the living water. He sought for it both night and day, at times, and he was rewarded, for his parched soul was always refreshed through the Lord.
It would seem the whole world is searching to quench their souls. They seek to fill themselves with the water of the world—idols, pleasures, and other worldliness—yet they remain thirsty. The Lord says to drink from His fountain as His blessings are everlasting and sustaining.
“But whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give him will become in him a fount of water springing up to eternal life” ~ John 4:14.
He who knows Jesus in the most intimate of ways now holds the living water of the Holy Spirit. May it spill up, out, and overflow as a gushing spring. May it be a blessing to all in witness of the greatness of the Lord in you!
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