2019Bearing fruit
As we know from Apostle Paul, there is no good thing in our flesh, and any beauty we display is all due to God’s Holy Spirit living inside us, which bears fruit that is peaceable, good, and pure.
The early church in Galatia was aware of the presence and the power of the Spirit, but at some point turned back to their former ways… back to the old and now obsolete covenant—the Law—to live in the flesh. Paul said, Wait…no, you’re beyond that now!
“Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the sinful nature with its passions and desires. Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit.” (Galatians 5:24-25).
When we become saved, we are no longer the same person, and we are free from the old ways which once dominated our lives. Rather than obey its lusts, we have a higher calling and a higher purpose. No longer living for ourselves, we live to serve the King.
The power of the Holy Spirit in us has already conquered the flesh. All we need to do is want to please the Lord, and through prayer and seeking his will, we allow the spirit to work in us. There is no life more abundant than one that brings forth the fruit of God’s righteousness.
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