2018Love in a broken world
The marvelous mystery of God’s love for his creatures is beyond amazing. Even out of the Garden of Eden, when his covenant with Adam and Eve became broken, his love followed them–and to us today.
Our Lord, the infinite God and creator of the universe, is desirous to have a relationship with each of us and sent His beloved son to pave the way for that union.
Some would say that Jesus only died for a designated few and not for all. On the other hand, the Bible clearly speaks to the outward grief of Jesus as well as the Apostle Paul toward the lost and unbelieving. Through God’s grace, salvation has appeared “to all men” (Titus 2:11). Jesus is the Lamb of God who “takes away the sin of the world” (John 1:29; 1 John 2:2). Truly, God is not willing for “any to perish” (2 Peter 3:9).
God’s love extends to the entire world and He wants all to be saved, but He will force no one to yield to His plan. He knows not everyone will believe nor seek to accept his Son and the riches of His glory, but the invitation is open for all to receive.
Our great father in heaven is all about giving. He gave His only begotten Son, who, in turn, gave His life, in order that we may have abundant life—in Him.
In our finite minds, we attempt to comprehend the depth of an infinite God whose ways are not our ways. To fathom the depth of His love will likely take an eternity. And for all who have come to a saving knowledge of Jesus, we will have that opportunity.
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