2017Put on the new self(ie)
How are you dwelling these days? For some, the word “dwell” may be misunderstood. Dwelling in the Lord and his word is far different from just reading or being acquainted with it. One may have a scripture verse dear to their heart and read it often or may even have it memorized. Dwelling in the Lord in the life of a believer constitutes living out the verse as though its very essence has inhabited the thoughts, will, and actions of the hearer.
In chapter three of the book of Ephesians, Paul talks about the behaviors a Christian ought to practice: compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, patience, and forgiveness. In verses 16, he adds dwelling in the Lord’s word. He stresses the teachings of Jesus should live within the believer powerfully.
In applying the meaning of the verse to one’s everyday life, we all need to grow in Christ and we often need guidance and admonishing along the way. His word in David’s psalms speaks clearly to the lesson plan in our school of learning about Christ.
With regard to spiritual songs, Paul never spoke of a preference to any one type of music over another. His purpose here is to state that all types of music are to be used to let the word of Christ dwell richly within us, and the singing is to be done with an attitude of thanksgiving rather than focusing on ourselves or our own desires.
Similarly, in Ephesians 5:19, he says it again, “…speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your hearts to the Lord.”
May we all through God’s grace dwell in the Lord richly, and may our hearts always be tuned to God’s praise as we “put on” Christ every day.