2016Cast your cares upon Him…
We’ve all been there. Praying for someone who’s befallen with illness. Now it’s our family’s turn as our hearts are heavy with the news of our beloved 83-year-old pastor who had a recent massive heart attack. As he underwent a triple by-pass this past Sunday, the elders gathered together to lead us in our church service. Hours later, we were informed that he made it through the surgery; however, there were some critical extenuating circumstances. We continued to pray–with tears.
Monday evening, his eldest son told us that his father’s heart had stopped that morning and he was placed on Life Support. He thought his father may already be with the Lord. Devastated, we asked if we could go into the room and pray with him anyway. As my husband read from the Bible, I held pastor’s hand and told him that we loved him as he lay quietly in a coma. Hours later, they said he awoke and was moving his arms and legs. Praise be to God!
Our Savior says to cast all of our cares upon Him for He cares for us. Whatever God’s will is for our pastor’s life on earth, we rejoice in knowing that our God reigns. Whether he chooses to keep him on earth or take him home, it’s a win-win. Thank you God for your love for our pastor and for all of your children.
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